Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Resolution or Revolution 2012
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Splendor at Dusk
The only sounds are the symphony of birds and the rustling of leaves just before they shed their autumn finery. The crispness in the air sends a shiver within me, yet I savor the coolness upon my face as I bundle closer within the welcoming warmth of my covering, as if an angel has wrapped its arms around me to shield me from that which is not of nature but that which keeps me from appreciating its beauty.
Monday, September 12, 2011
The Ascention of the Purple Dragon
A young man named Cameron is one of those souls. How many thirteen year olds love Mel Brooks movies, never disrespect their parents, can easily converse with anyone of any age and has the ability to discuss a variety of topics with adept humor and clarity? It is difficult not to be under the spell of this marvelous creature with his infectious laugh and angelic face.
It is hard to understand why the fates would decide to cast a spell upon this dear one and inflict upon his youthful body this negative entity called cancer. Unless you are the parent of a child with this diagnosis, you will never understand the devastation it leaves upon your heart and soul. Throughout the entire process of surgery, treatment and medications as well as various forms of healing, this courageous young man remained hopeful and was an example of strength and endurance. His loving Papa, Henry, never gave up on his healing and tirelessly and lovingly cared for his beloved son. Family and friends lent support and a thousand origami cranes were proof of friendship and dedication from a lovely flower named Lily.
An amethyst dragon pendant to symbolize love and healing was a gift of love and was always worn by Cameron as a reminder of the support of those who loved him. Try though he did with his ever present Papa and the blessings from family, friends and even a few strangers, his earth bound body could no longer fight the battle any longer and this amazing spirit made his peaceful exit to a world which beckoned from beyond.
On September 14, 2008, the light of this world became a little darker but every now and then a cardinal will appear, or a thought which only he could provide will be a gentle reminder of the existence of his presence and the light of his memory which will never be extinguished.
As the Phoenix rose from the ashes, so too did the purple dragon and as it arose the color turned to the brightest white as a symbol of the highest form of healing, for as he made his way to a place where love is always, he became a white dragon, watching over those who love him still.
With loving dedication to Cameron David Allen
and his amazing Papa Henry
Thursday, September 8, 2011
A Tiny Tribute to September
Teegan Ryan Kase
The last days of summer are quickly fading away and the cool crispness that announces fall's arrival are a reminder of the days ahead. I have always loved autumn and the beauty of it's fiery reds, bright gold and burnt orange hues. I always feel exhilarated as I walk along the pathways surrounded by colorful foliage and the crunching of fallen leaves beneath my footsteps. I never mourn the end of summer as I realize that season's must change, as people must change with the passage of time.
This September marks the beginning of yet another transition within our family with the early arrival of our greatest pre autumn gift. My beautiful grandson, Teegan, entered the hearts and souls of his mother, father, grandparents, aunts and uncles and all else who will learn to know and love him, on the eve of September 3, 2011. There are those who look upon this month with sadness and loss. Yes, a terrible event occured on 9/11 2001, yet I can't help but think the birth of this wonderful child is meant to be a light in the darkness on what is soon to be the tenth anniversary of this tragic event. For every evil there is good, for every sorrow there is joy.
In the months and years ahead, I will celebrate my grandson's birthday with happiness and gratitude. I will respectfully pay tribute to those whose lives were needlessly snuffed out by vengeance and hatred, on yet another anniversary of 9/11. There is another date I will softly mourn on September 14, when another gentle spirit passed beyond the veil of earth to become an angelic spirit. I also rejoice in the honor it was to have known this courageous 13 year old boy. On the eve of the autumn equinox, I will celebrate the coming season with reverance and gratitute for my many blessings.
Appreciate those in your life whom you dearly love and make the most of your time here on earth. Life is among the greatest of texbooks in which we must always strive to learn. Celebrate the coming season and enjoy all of it's offerings. I send love and healing to those who have suffered loss in the month of September as I rejoice in the birthdate of my grandson.
I dedicate these heartfelt words to my grandson Teegan, the victims of 9/11 and their
family's and my guardian angel, Cameron David Allen and his dear father Henry.
Saturday, August 20, 2011
The Universal Love Jones
Today was a day of healing and enlightenment and now darkness has fallen and soon I will sit outside on this end of summer's eve and enjoy the serenity of the night. I love the sounds of all the creatures which create a symphony of music to entertain me as I look up and marvel at the beauty of the sky. There are no stars tonight but the clouds create shapes and patterns as if some heavenly creature is crafting artful sculptures from these billowy formations. There is so much more beyond the plane of our existence. Why can we not appreciate more, the simple gifts that we have been given? I fear materialism has made us less enamored of all the wonders of the universe.
How many great literary works were inspired by all of the above? How many colors inspired by the earth's hues? As my intuitive nature and spiritual awareness strengthen, I have become more appreciative of that which cannot be bought, or which no war could ever conquer and we cannot destroy, though sometimes it seems the inhabitants of this world are trying to do just that. It is time now for me to draw my attention to that which is most important at this moment and that is to just...be.
I have no great romantic love as such no longer interests me, instead I will save my affections for that which surrounds me as I enjoy the beckoning night and the "universal love jones."
Saturday, August 6, 2011
Here and After

Wednesday, August 3, 2011
Living on the corner of Peace and Tranquility
In the later years of my half century plus on this earth, I have come to appreciate the sheer pleasure of solitude and looking inward, which is very enlightening and comforting. I love my family and friends dearly and I enjoy their presence when I am with them. There are those who need the buzz of constant activity and interraction. I am not one for large crowds, much preferring a small gathering at my home ( or someone else's). Holiday celebrations are best when there is little fuss and lots of love and laughter.
The day will soon come, when a welcome addition to the family will appear and I will cherish the increased social stimulation that will follow the birth of my first grandchild. There is nothing quite like the sound of a laughing child and yes, sometimes there will be tears to wipe away. I am willing to happily relinquish some of my days as a hermit for some quality time with my growing family.
May our homes be a place where we feel safe and secure as if the very walls breathe a sigh of relief when we walk in the door as if to say"Welcome Home!" Of course it is always nice to extend the courtesy to those we are closest to and invite a new friend or two over for an occasional dinner party. When they ask where I live, perhaps I will direct them to the corner of peace and tranquility, near the intersection of serenity boulevard.
Sunday, July 17, 2011
Pathway to the Garden of Enlightenment

Community gardens are a wonderful way to engage in an activity which benefits urban neighborhoods, by careful tending and quenching the thirst of flora and vegetation with much needed H2O. The garden even has plots to produce edibles for the local food pantry. Such is the Meadowood Community Garden and so much more.
The Meadowood Community Garden was established in 2008 with assistance from the Community Action Coalition, providing start up funding as well as direction needed to launch a community garden.
Plot fees from neighborhood gardeners provide funding for items needed to maintain a successful and productive garden. Former garden leader and artist, Sheri Rembert, developed a plan for a children's garden, which included a pathway to make the garden inviting for neighborhood youth. This year the plan was put into action by present garden leader, Leslie Stephany, who then enlisted local mosaic artist, Marcia Yapp, to facilitate the implementation of the pathway.
With Marcia's mentoring, neighborhood youth created individual mosaic stepping stones, which each child (and a few adults) created to reflect their personality and present a colorful, meandering pathway to beckon young gardeners to enter. Two concrete columns have now been added at the entrance to the children's garden and each column will be covered with mosaic tiles.
Wooden fencing was partially donated, the rest purchased with grant funds and has recently been placed around the garden perimeter, which will be treated and painted to further improve the garden's visual appearance, as well as protect the fruits of gardener's labors. This space is not only pleasing to the eye but a symbol of community working together, to create a sacred space which children and adults alike can take pride in. The children's garden has an established strawberry bed, a variety of vegetables and flowers and will soon include blueberries. Children assist in planting and harvesting and are educated as to the value of growing their own food. Seedlings for the children's garden are generously donated annually by the Oakhill Correctional Institution.
There will be an upcoming storytelling in the garden featuring Patsy McKenzie and Kevin Wery who are fellow gardeners and Co-Founders of the "Fairness Awareness Foundation". Scheduled date is pending.
Congratulations fellow gardeners on a job well done, for great leadership and much appreciated volunteers, adults and youth alike. There is no better way to build
community and honor mother earth than to create a place of beauty and provide delicious fruits and vegetables as well as lovely flowers in this urban "garden of enlightenment".
Saturday, July 9, 2011
Why Happy Hours aren't always so happy
If you really stop to think about it, some of us use this escapism at a discount price, as a means to forget about our problems. I thought I would bring up a few examples of some situations we may want to medicate (or lubricate) ourselves into oblivion to forget.
- My wife doesn't understand me but the pretty blond at the end of the bar might.
- My husband doesn't appreciate me but the hot guy sitting next to me looks promising.
- My boss is a bitch or bastard (or both) and who do I have to" bleep" to get a raise!
- I love my best friend even though she is a size 4 and I'm a size...none of your business!
- Credit card bills, mortgage, cell phone bills, car payment, utilities..."Hey bartender!"
- My husband is having an affair/ my wife is having an affair, So I"M going to have an affair!
- "What would Jesus drink?" "Bartender, may I have a red wine...for my next trick I will turn wine into water....where's the restroom?"
- Bubble baths are deliciously relaxing.
- Massages are God's work!
- Reiki heals the body and soul.
- Meditation relaxes the mind and changes perspective.
- Drink lots of water to detoxify your body.
- Spend time with people who love you.
- Hate others less, love yourself more.
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
In search of "Three Cardinal's"
I find the human mind and all of it's intricacies to be very fascinating. I learned a great deal when working with individuals with brain injury and behavioral disorders, autism, alzheimers and dementia. However, there is so much more to learn. Our psyche is what I like to refer to as a kaleidoscope of physical and mental reactions, emotions and contains a power that many of us have yet to understand. Some consider those with some of the above "disorders" to have a disability, yet I have found that much like one who is physically blind develops a keen sense of hearing and touch, those with "impairment" seem to develop strengths in other areas that they have yet to be in tune with.
I no longer question my intuitions and look forward to, in anticipation, delving into the meaning of my random thoughts, especially ones that are repetitive. The phrase "Three cardinals" has been a repetitive thought process lately, in which I have been seeing these birds
regularly, especially when I question my direction in life. Then there are the cardinal qualities of the zodiac in which my sign is in possession, the meaning of which is one who accomplishes, sets forth and does not derail from a determined task. I walked into a friends house and the room was filled with cardinals (not real ones) as they happen to be a St. Louis Cardinals fan. The list goes on and my confusion is greater than my clarity, yet there is a mystery to unfold.
For those who find me dotty, you may think as you like. I however, am determined to find the answer to my questioning mind and I hope the answer is worthy of my efforts but something tells me it is.
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Tweedle Dum and Tweedle Dee for President.
Both women are what you might call...I will try to be polite... okay, "Media ( second word rhymes with S'mores). I would strongly suggest that the lovely to look at Ms. Bachmann spend more time attending her district in Minnesota and less time trying to make headlines. She is an adept fundraiser and is degrees more intelligent than Ms. Palin but who isn't? I have a problem with someone representing our country very strongly opposing the rights of certain groups of citizens , mainly those in the gay community. It also disturbs me greatly that her husband, who is a christian counselor (nothing wrong with that) takes it upon himself to convince said community that this lifestyle is sinful according to HIS beliefs. Noting the high pitched ,lispy lilt of his voice, I fear Mr. Bachmann doth protest too much. I also find it interesting that Ms. Bachmann commented that "All cultures are not created equal". I could go on but I really, really can't wait to move on to the next female candidate.
Let's chat about Sarah Palin fer a spell. There are some who think that people are mean to dear Ms. Palin but I am here to tell you this woman is about as helpless as a shark in a tank full of sardines. I can appreciate that she likes huntin, fishin. shootin and guttin as well as the next gal from the tundra. Hell, I bet she can harpoon a whale if she sets her mind to it. My question is:
Is she capable of leading this country? Uh, let me think about it...NO! When I say these things it is not out of malice but you have to admit that she is so much fun to make commentary on.
What bothers me is how many people actually buy her down home, you betcha, deer in the headlights (when you ask her a question which requires a contemplative thought process )demeanor.
I do not hate these women, as I truly do not hate another human being. I do not dispute everything they say, not really and I fully believe they have every right to state their views and I am sure they truly believe what they say and I do admire their conviction. I am a fan of neither but I am not a fan of any potential candidate at this time. My pick isn't running in this election and I mourn that she did not win the last one. I want anyone who represents the office of the Presidency to do well, as when they do not, we as a country do not as well. Lets face it fellow citizens, we all succeed together and we fail together and we can no longer afford any more failure. Let us hope that whoever sits in the oval office will bring hope, peace and prosperity for all who reside in this great country we all call home. Even those who can see Russia from their backyard.
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Livin in da hood!
- Influx of troublesome residents who have transferred here from Chicago, Rockford and other cities with problem areas and we have inherited their upstarts.
- Residents of public housing who utilize the generous system of state aid that our state cannot afford but still manages to provide.
- Said residents are not gainfully employed (due to generous state aid) and party all night as they do not have to work in the morning as many of their sleeplessly tired neighbors do.
- Unsupervised youth who run the streets in large groups and do not seem to be able to communicate within normal vocal decibels as they most likely have lost their hearing due to the booming vibration of the music they listen to and the rest of the neighborhood must listen to as well, whether we want to or not.
- Youth and adults alike of problematic residences scream, yell, utter profanities, threaten anyone brave enough to ask them to please lower the volume of all of the above.
- Landlords who own these buildings could care less if anyone close by is inconvenienced as long as they receive rent money and continue to rent to the very people who are creating havoc for anyone within a two block radius.
For those of you who may be thinking, "Why did you move there?" Because despite an unheeded warning that living in this neighborhood might be a problem, my apartment is very nice and spacious and the nicest place I looked at for the money. Uh, the warning bells should have gone off on that one. I am now moving to a wonderful house in a quiet neighborhood and one might say "If you're leaving, what's the big deal?" Well, I have never been one to just worry about myself. There are good people who live here and they do not want to be forced out because they were here before the bad elements came to town.
The police are on most people's speed dial in this area and it is getting old for law enforcement and residents alike. Due to financial cuts (thanks Scott!) Police officers are limited in this area and even if they do come, the problems still continue to occur. I do not believe in vigilante tactics at the hands of angry citizens but we need to get a handle on the neighborhood and let our city officials and support agencies know that we want a solution. Here are a few suggestions from yours truly.
- Bye bye state aid for those who can work. I have compassion for single mothers but when you have three plus children, spend less time in the sack and more time gainfully employed. This needs to begin with Section 8 monitoring and control.
- Parents who continually fail to supervise their children should be fined for multiple disturbances.
- If you can't afford to work and pay your bills, you can't afford drugs or alcohol.
- If landlords want troublesome tenants and do not keep their disturbances under control, let them pay a fine or two and I guarantee you will see these tenants get sent packing.
- Don't expect law enforcement to do everything. Citizens have rights, contact those who can go above and beyond and remind them who votes them into office and whom they represent.
I have said my peace and vented my frustrations but the fact is that the problem still exists and everyone deserves to live in a community where they feel safe and feel like their home is a haven from this crazy world we sometimes live in. It is a sad commentary that there are those who haven't a clue that anyone exists besides them. It is also a fact that most of these people come from generation after generation of like mentality but it has got to stop for the sake of the sanity of the many good people who deserve to live in a neighborhood they can be proud to call home.
Monday, June 6, 2011
If R-E-S-P-E-C-T is good enough for Aretha, it should be good enough for the rest of us!
I realize this is a difficult age. They so badly want to be grown up, make their own decisions and do not particularly like guidance from authoritative figures such as parents, teachers, older siblings, martians...okay, you get my drift.
Please realize that I am not referring to the many respectful, giving and wonderful youth who are a joy to our society. I have noticed of late, the many youth in my section of the city who run in herds (such as twenty or more) and plague their neighborhoods with language that would make a porn star blush and can be driven into a confrontational rage from zero to ninety seconds with each other or anyone who happens to cross their path. Communication is based upon high pitched shouting and screaming as if they are in a stadium instead of a city neighborhood and the only way they can be heard by those within a matter of inches from them is to use their mega voices. If you as a reasonable adult, happen to nicely mention that perhaps they should keep their voices at a more reasonable decibel out of courtesy for others around them, you will be met with a string of obscenities and threatening looks, not to mention the possibility of a physical confrontation and downright defiance.
I will try to state this as delicately as possible when I say that on every occasion that this occurs, it is with youth who are mostly African American. Am I prejudice? I have friends of every ethnicity and sexual orientation and do not consider myself racist but the above statement happens to be a fact. Another fact is that I can guarantee that most, if not all of these youth have either neglectful or abusive parents who behave much the same way. Am I racist? No, I am fed up with this behavior and with similar behavior from their parents who conduct themselves the exact same way! How can these kids possibly be any less respectful than the adults who should but do not set any positive example?
My statements may be perceived by some as singling out a particular race as if they are the only ones guilty of such behavior. In my neighborhood,this is often the case. On one occasion, upon being awakened at three in the morning by music that makes your house rattle, along with booming voices in which my roommate asked them to please tone it down. He was greeted with the ever popular "hater!" I loved my roommate's comment."I hate anyone who wakes me up at three in the morning!"
There are so many youth within the black community who want to make a difference in the world and have great talent and amazing personalities as well as respectful of adults and set a positive example of youth in their communities. It frosts my mini wheats that these fabulous kids will be thrown in the same category with the youth who are troublesome, just because of their color. Our world would be very bland without diversity of all kinds and there are problems with not only youth but adults as well of all ethnicities. I actually do not care what color your skin is, what religion you belong to or don't belong to. I don't care if you are a purple tutu wearing Lady Ga Ga loving banjo playing snake charmer...whew... Just behave like a civilized human being and be respectful of others from time to time, including yourself.
Thursday, May 26, 2011
The World According to Patsy: Movin out, movin up, movin on
Movin out, Movin up, Movin on
I often wish that life were simpler as it was in my childhood but was it really all that simple? I lived through the Vietnam War and remembered it's effect on people in my own community.
Parents lost their sons, often just out of high school, too young to have experienced life let alone death. The remnants of said war still remain in those who are still haunted by the aftershock of their experiences and their lives are forever changed. Movies were cheaper to attend, the cost of a candy bar was less than a dollar and you could buy three pieces of candy from a clear fishbowl at the local dime store for just a penny. Parents were also given carte blanche to take a belt to a child upon misbehavior of any sort without the blink of an eye. To me, this tells more about what lacks in the parent than what was wrong with the child.
Life is now more complicated in different ways. We are more academically challenged and value is placed upon performance and financial wealth more so than of moral character. I believe that education is a right and not a privilege but there is a difference between being educated and being intelligent. We have academic achievers who cannot put two sentences together without misspelling and proper writing structure. One could walk into a place of business, fill out an application and get a job, or not, without having to go through a sometimes misguided recruiter who sometimes hire poorly, which may explain employment turnovers. Employees now text, place messages on facebook and tweet during working hours. How many of us would last long at our jobs if this was done years ago?
My computer is my lifeline and my greatest form of technical communication. I however, have not forgotten the art of spoken word and verbal communication which many seem to be lacking of late. Has anyone noticed accelerated rudeness among the masses in general? We are angry with those who serve us for what I consider to be pettiness. I will admit that I am an expert at razor sharp verbiage if need be but I try to take the higher road and be a source of light rather than that of darkness. There is already enough darkness in this world.
Let us all rethink what we can contribute to a more positive, forward thinking society and utilize our technology, education and advantages to bring about a world of great diversity, acceptance and peaceful exchange and rid ourselves of negative thought and actions. It's time to move out, move up and move on to a better place within ourselves.
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Hail to the (Drag) Queens!
My best friend is gay. (Not the Maaarryyy, no you didn't! kind) however, I shall now direct my attention to those fascinating, delicious creatures known as "Drag Queens". You've just got to love the wigs, makeup, gowns, cattiness (sometimes) and the names are the best!
Helena Troy...Cinnamon AllSpice...Miss Suki Yaki and Lola Flamboyah. I think you get the drift.
For those of you who think being a drag queen is all play and no work, guess again! I would never attempt to walk in stillettos, let alone attempt to dance and perform in them. Many of these superdivas not only design but sew their own costumes or reconstruct a ready made ensemble to create their savvy characters. Let us not forget the wardrobe of wigs and the creativity required to transform a five o'clock shadow into a flawless beauty!
A true drag queen must possess some sort of talent, be it believable lip syncing, comedic routines or the art of impersonation which often requires awesome vocal ability. What are a drag queens favorite divas to impersonate? Well, there's Cher, Liza, Judy, Barbara and let us not forget, Madonna and the newest star to recreate...they are all goo goo for Ga Ga!
These entertaining vixens come in all shapes and sizes and while there are some (I hate them, yet I love them) who possess gams, breasts and posteriors that could make a straight man look twice! Most drag queens are quick to state that the characters they create are considered their career and not who they truly are. They consider themselves men, who like men but dress as women for entertainment and employment purposes as an art form. Ru Paul has been a drag queen and great supporter and spokesperson for the LGBT community and has had a long and very financially rewarding career with a large and diverse fan base.
I applaud those compassionate queens who make a difference in their community as advocates for youth and speaking on behalf of those who have been victims of bullying as well as HIV and AIDS, gay marriage and the right for partners to support their loved ones during times of illness and end of life process. As a performing artist and writer, I support the arts in all it's diversity and consider drag queens to be just as entertaining or more so than many other creative arts professions. I also support without exception, ones right to be able to bring to life, their vision of arts and performance without criticism based solely on narrow mindeness and prejudice.
"Jesus loves drag queens too people!"
Sincerely, Mary Magdalena Just kidding!
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Is this a coffeeshop or an office?
Am I the only one who notices that there are some cafe net users who seem to feel that their particular space is their very own private office and those around them must be silent or not invade the private domain they dutifully and covetously protect?
I have observed college students hovering over their computers, while sipping on a lone drink for well over and hour or more, feverishly typing data into their WIFI brainwave, looking around from time to time, protectively letting those around them know that this is THEIR area and dare enter the perimeter at your own risk. Lone student has taken a table for 4 to allow room for their many textbooks and lone beverage.
There are also the well dressed or business casual individuals who place hand on chin while in deep thought and then, as if the hallelujah chorus resounded an epiphany, they begin to suddenly type furiously as though whatever great wisdom entered their head would leave as suddenly as it came to them. These are the big spenders as they will order a lone beverage and a food item which they will partake of while spending two or more hours working in their "mini" office.
My very favorite is the female teen duo specie, whose giggles and "Oh my God's" trill about the establishment while typing intermittently on their pastel machines of socialization. Their favorite beverage of course is usually a blended espresso frappe, no whip because, like, "I don't want to get fat, oh my gaw!" They are so in their own little world that they barely notice anyone around them, unless of course it is another, perhaps prettier teen queen than they and then the claws come out! A cute guy however, brings about flirtatious looks and knowing whispers. Harmless but oh they are so amusing to observe.
My least favorite is the soccer mom/executive with the blond bob which looks as if a bottle of Clorox was dumped on their heads and their curt little (or not so little) ensembles, which never
have a wrinkle or a crease and the tappity tap of their purposeful stride as they walk to their table with their "tall, skim, sugar free vanilla latte, no foam, 130 degrees" while trying to look important as they carefully type with their perfectly manicured nails which tap, tap, tap on their snotty little keyboards. Do not DARE look in their direction! I am sure the Barista's who must serve these persnickity snobs as they smile and nod and tell them to "Have a great day!" secretly wish they could serve said beverage on top of their bleach blond do.
To be fair, there are many who are polite and order food and beverage to compensate for the space and time they are taking up in their favorite establishment. Some don't even give dirty looks if patrons sitting at a table near them actually want to socialize as they realize that they are in a public place of business and not their personal office.
Cafes, coffee shops, etc are in business to make money and not to supply anyone with unlimited space to conduct business and to expect this is just plain rude! Be polite and do not take up space for 4 if you are alone and you see the place is busy. Do not expect those around you not to have conversations because you have "work to do!" If you want a quiet place, may I suggest a library or the privacy of your own home. Let us all enjoy our favorite food and beverage while socializing with friends, family or co-workers and do so while respecting the business we patronize and fellow customers and "have a great day"...really.
Friday, May 6, 2011
Mothering Heights
I would be remiss in not stating there are those who produce biological offspring who should never bear the fruit of humanity. For every wonderful loving mother, there is an abusive and despicable excuse for what the term "motherhood" represents. I prefer to honor the deserving , instead of chastising the never should have beens.
I loved my mother but we had our moments. There are things I have had to forgive and perhaps she had to do the same of me. She was a storybook perfect grandmother who left nothing but kind and loving memories for my children to look back on. I was the one who held her hand as she uttered her very last breath and it is a moment I will always be grateful for. She knew I loved her and I knew she loved me.
I am now the grandmother of four lovely children who give me such great joy. I am so very proud of my daughter who has experienced some good times and difficult times, which can be motherhood and life but no matter what, she always will love and guide her children while they continue to grow up all too quickly. I aspire to be half the Grandmother that my mother was. I am and have always been strongly opinionated, artsy and compassionate toward others. My thoughts may not always resonate with my children's but I respect them and they respect me.
I wish all of you Mothers or those who are thought of lovingly as such, a wonderful day with those you have loved and nurtured in this world and as angels in the next.
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Never Defeated
The dawning of the dreaded 2012 prophecy looms ahead of us and while there are those who have suffered the latest natural and world disasters, who cannot image any worse scenario, we must admit that yes, things can and may, get much worse. Do I believe that the world apocolypse is about to unfold upon the date of the doomsday theory? I honestly don't know.
I say to myself that I have never lived through such troubled times but have I forgotten the Vietnam war and the aftermath and devastation to those left behind, our returning soldiers who received a less than warm welcome due to the "make love not war" mindset of the "hippie" generation. Most of these soldiers were barely out of high school and if they were lucky enough to survive the war, some had difficulty surviving the reality of coming home to an unwelcoming country in which they felt all but forgotten.
Dare I forget the "Gulf War" and all that followed in it's wake. Who ever would have thought that the horror of 911 could have ever happened in our lifetime. Americans assume that we are far removed from these kind of attacks. Not here, because WE are the United States of America! It has forever scarred our sense of security and faith in our country to protect us from harm.
We now face difficult times in a country divided, the left and the right and there seems to be no middle ground, no compromise. Jobs are difficult to find and just as difficult to keep. We are not kind to each other and we still cannot get past the value of materialism over human dignity, compassion and kindness toward each other. We cheer at the demise of a evil terrorist leader and infiltrator. I do not cheer, I do not lament. I still fear for our safety but most of all, I fear for those who cannot stop hating.
Yet, I am blessed in family and friends who are like minded and maybe, just maybe, there is a flicker of hope that might just burn brightly in that one small thing that nothing can destroy if we do not let it... The human soul.
Monday, April 25, 2011
Movie Etiquette 101
I also remember not having to pay nearly as much admission and the concessions were signifigantly less costly as well. Today, the cost of a movie is not so cheap and snacks and beverages are outrageously overpriced! That is the way of things though and the sound system is much improved as is the movie atmosphere.
Suffice it to say, that when spending said amount of money on the latest movie of our choice, we expect to be able to enjoy our viewing without interruption or disruption (whatever the case may be). It is not unreasonable to expect fellow viewers to be silent or speak softly as not to compete with the movie's dialogue. After all, you wouldn't want the person next to you to confuse your conversation about your disappointment in the fact that you are now two sizes bigger as you went on a binge eating spree during your winter depression, with the movie dialogue concerning the leading lady's downward spiral into insanity.
I can be fairly certain that no one sitting next to or behind you wants to listen to you chew your gum like a cow in a pasture and snap, crackle and pop are for rice krispies and NOT your gum!
For those who enjoy eating chewy or extra crunchy snacks, be aware that there are those around you who are plotting your demise and how best to make you suffer if you don't learn some manners. FYI: If people around you are casting evil glances your way, get a clue and be respectful to your fellow movie goers. Don't get me started on cell phones going off during a movie!
Parents, please monitor your children or hire a babysitter and keep them at home if they cannot behave in a public establishment. Do I seem a bit extreme in my expectations of the above mentioned patrons? I guess I believe that we should all be aware of our behavior when attending public events. Everyone wants to enjoy what they pay for, to relax and de stress and enjoy one of life's simple pleasures. Enjoy the movies, the concessions and do so respectfully.
Or take a class in Movie Etiquette 101.
Monday, March 21, 2011
Declaration of MY Independence
I believe in affordable health care for everyone in this country, a livable wage (What IS minimum wage again?) as well as a safe and crime free environment, clean, breathable air and quality education for all children who live in this country, so that "no child left behind" will ever have to say nu-clear, secertary and dubya. I believe all the above are rights and not privileges. I am here to state and these are my opinions, that everyone should have the right to choose the religion of their choice, or none at all if they so choose. Our sexuality is our own individual concern and no one else's, whether you are gay, straight, bisexual, or a single, middle aged, female who has been divorced for quite some time and doesn't want to date until SHE feels like it so back off already! I also believe that before we judge others, we should take a good look at ourselves, less we be judged by a jury of our peers and are found to be contemptable.
The rights I believe we do not have, are to ever raise our hand to strike another living soul, no matter what age, religion or reason unless your life it at stake. No one has the right to take what does not belong to them, whether we are a petty thief, bored housewife( most of the housewives on Bravo) rich drugged out starlets (Lindsay Lohann) corporate executives (Bernie Madoff) or government official ( I would get writer's cramp).
We also haven't the right to condemn, because we are condemnable and last but no less important, to kill because we covet or hate.
Bearing all this in mind, I still say that I am proud to be a strong, independent, opinionated, free spirited, spiritual (not religious) female citizen of the United States of America, in which because of the freedoms accorded by the United States Constitution, one of which being the right to free expression. I am able to state all of the above and I, Patsy McKenzie, thank you for sharing in my freedom!
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Channeling Our Inner Sunshine
Why then, do we not take the latter mentality and apply it to everyday living? We reside in a world where a great deal of focus is placed upon all that is wrong with us. We are plagued with allergies, mental disorders and physical ailments and those who are afflicted are driven to live their lives around their disorders, which greatly effects the quality of their lives. The afore mentioned conditions are very real, it is true but must we let them hold us back from all that life has to offer?
Instead of taking a night time sedative, why not meditate or listen to relaxing music and apply breathing techniques to calm our restless spirit. Those who suffer from depression, bi-polar and anxiety disorders would all benefit from exercise, which releases endorfants to stimulate not only the physical body but brings balance to our emotional well being. Medication alone, is not the answer. Even if one does not suffer from serious disorders, we are still prone to the stress and anxiety that accompanies all of life's challenges. We all must face crisis at some time or another such as: finances, relationships, parenting, peer pressure, self image and self acceptance.
Realistically, we can expect all of these things to happen as they are simply a part of life. We will not always find contentment every minute of the day but we can and must take responsibility for our own nirvana.
When life becomes a downpour, it is up to us to allow our inner sun to shine.
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Tending Mary's Garden
There were those of us who called her mother, aunt, sister and friend.
Some knew her better than others but all who knew her will remember her in their hearts and minds. Mary is now gone in body but her spirit lives on in our memories and the lovely garden created by her loving hands and the blessings of Mother Nature. Some of us continue to nurture the delicate petals of the flowers that still bloom, despite the fact that she no longer tends them. We all realize that soon enough, someone else will possess "her" garden. As all good neighbors do, we will welcome them and wish them well and most of all, hope that they too, will cherish tending Mary's garden.
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Wisconsin Governor slams capitol door in face of constituants
I have been amused of late at the mathmatical findings and percentage quotes of those who find favor with our highest ranking state official. It seems that there are those who deem themselves proficient in the monetary amount of the expenditures of the cost of union workers and their representatives. I do not garner information that I cannot back up as factual as it may seemingly sneak up and bite one in the hindquarters when least expected. People are paying close attention to what is being said and by whom and the click, click, clicking of the computer keyboards across the state and all across the country for that matter, wield the sounds of those who must have facts and information as well as much needed ammunition (the peaceful kind) in which to carry forth into battle. Battle you say? You better believe it! Our very way of life and the way in which our state is being governed is at stake. Let us not forget the grandiose way in which Mr. Walker has decided to blaze his trail of glory right across the constitutional rights of public workers and their right to voice their concerns. His political stance on this bill would impact their very livlihood and ability to support their families, as well as the educational process in this, a state which has prided itself as having one of the highest levels of academic achievement on a national level.
We are now reaching a state of economic crisis not only in the state of Wisconsin but as a nation. I agree that we need to balance our budget and decrease our deficit but must we put the extent of this burden on those who serve our state with honor and diligence? This is not the way our state officials should treat the people whom they represent. I am deeply saddened that the state in which I have returned to call my home after an 8 year absence has come to this.
I hereby call out to all the citizens of the great and humble state of Wisconsin to defend those who serve all of us, for what they are asking is not much. Stand up for the equality of everyone's right to a fair wage and the right to voice their concerns when one would endeavor to take them away but most important, stand up for yourself for if we do not do this now, at this time,
we will forever regret using the single most powerful thing we possess.
The voice with which to say "I matter"!
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
The voices that won't be silenced
There are those who call these individuals "selfish and greedy" among other negative comments I will not mention. "Unions breed Socialist mindsets" I have even read facebook posts which state that those who oppose this bill are "communists". One gentleman(I am being kind here) referring to educators stated "Why don't you get a REAL job!" That one made my right eye twitch for several minutes and let me tell you that when this particular spasm occurs, you better not be within arms distance of this otherwise peace loving female! Opposers have also stated their preference for "privatization". When it comes to a battle of wits, I am in my element. However, I find no pleasure in the battle of the witless! What I find really amusing is when the argument from those from the deep southern states who speak of "them thar no good teachers" and " I support my chilluns on my own income without no help from nobody and them thar public workers kin do the same dadgummit!" Let us also check the statistics of their test scores, SATs and well...you see what I'm getting at.
I actually used to like "tea parties" until those in attendance lately seem to think public workers are out for a free ride at their expense, as if the very workers they condemn DO NOT pay taxes??? Well, I would not want to attend a tea party anyway, where Governor Walker is the Mad Hatter. You might get tea but you can forget about the crumpets! Am I a radical liberal? No, actually, I consider myself a moderate. I believe we need to decrease the deficit and curb spending. I also believe we need to " spread the love". Do not just focus on one group to balance our budget. Do not give further funds(to the tune of millions) to the corporate sector. If people would receive a fair wage and treatment in the workplace, we would not need unions but alas, many would not be able to make a liveable wage. Workers have already agreed to pay cuts but deserve the right to "Collective Bargaining". It is a right as an American citizen and should be respected by all , especially our countries leadership.
Let us all unify whether pro or con on the issue of the people's right to have a voice. My most memorable moment observing this historical event on the capitol square, was the positive energy of the crowd, helicopters flying overhead, news teams abounding and the voice of Reverand Jesse Jackson as he stated with passion "Don't let them break your spirit!"
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
The Whispering of Angels
It gives me great comfort to believe in times of trial or triumph, that I am receiving comfort or encouragement from a loving presence. Perhaps it could be the spirit of a loved one giving gentle guidance as we choose our life's path. There are also those times in which we must bear the burden's of which we would not choose. Wouldn't it bring solace to know we have a support system that no mortal being can provide?
As we get older and hopefully, wiser, we become more aware of our mortality and wonder what lies beyond the veil of human existance. Some may say that those of us who choose to believe in the existance of angels and spirits are deceiving ourselves as to the reality of such an impossibility. If that is the case, then let me be deceived, for I much prefer to believe in the "whispering of angels" than the "silence of the soul".
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Hey naysaysers! Let me know when you get your "Certificate of Perfection!"
Does making fun of, or commenting on the looks of others in a negative way really make you feel superior? If so, take a good look at yourself and see what some of the rest of us see. Not all but some, twenty somethings seem to think they will never age, or become overweight or ill and the world is their oyster alone. Time for a reality check!
Not to be misunderstood, I am not saying that all individuals in this age
category are this immature and self-centered. The world itself has become more critical in general and now there is a public format for
expressing what sometimes should be better left unsaid. I firmly believe
in self expression but could it be more positive and up lifting instead of
negative and demeaning?
When commenting on "Has Been" celebrities, remember that they at
least achieved greatness at one time. Have those of you who put them
down ever achieved stardom? I suppose when one is not secure in themselves they must put down others in order to elevate themselves.
However, when you do so, it becomes extremely clear to those reading
your ramblings how very insecure you truly are.
I can be opinionated and speak my mind but have learned to read what
I write and then perhaps think: "Do I really need to express that? "
All of us need to learn to be more conscious of what we say and how we
say it but remember when you use the defense "I was only stating the truth", it may just be your concept of the truth and not what truly is.
We all have success and failure in life. When you are experiencing the
latter, would you prefer support or condemnation? Think about
that or just plain think before you communicate.
For example, I have had to censor this blog and make it more kindly than
if I expressed how I truly feel. I hope those who read this realize that it was written in the spirit of inspiring a kinder, gentler and less bitchy society. People feel bad enough about themselves as it is without anyone
else adding to their self doubt. Think, edit and then write and be an inspiration and not a desecration of humanity!
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Silent Conversations
Communication does not need to be complicated nor does it need
to be spoken or written in order for one to be understood. Thus is the case with my good friend Butch. I have learned a great deal from this wise young man. Some very special individuals leave an imprint upon your very heart and soul without saying nary a word.
When I have spent time with Butch, I have gotten to know what a creative mind he has and such a vivid imagination, which as we all know is the key to great insight. I have also realized that the movies and audio books he so loves, which are fraught with fantasy and special effects, yet tell a story which imparts a valuable life lesson. The heroes and heroines in most of these adventures usually have some great obstacle to overcome in order to attain greatness.
My dear, loving friend has had many obstacles to overcome in the last several years of his life due to a childhood accident which left him unable to move his body, except for his very expressive eyes. He also does not speak but can create sounds to express how he is feeling, be it happy or sad. Butch is blessed with loving family and a very devoted Mother who look out for his best interests.
I have of late taken to the healing art form of Reiki and have given this gift of healing to my dear Butch. I wonder though, if he realizes how much he has healed me. I have learned greater compassion and complain less about my disadvantages. I hope his passion for the literary world continues and that his life becomes even more enhanced throughout the years. We no longer live in the same community but we still continue our "Silent Conversations"
Thursday, January 6, 2011
Kill em with kindness...or else!
of patience with the lack of courtesy in our society today. Yes, I realize
that this does not apply to everyone and I agree there are wonderful
kind and gracious individuals but frankly, it's not THEM I worry about!
We have become a "Me" obcessed world of "Gimmee's" who cannot accept that things in life do not always go our way and sometimes there
is a good reason for it! Perhaps it is because we live in a "techno" world
of cell phones with text messaging and computers with email. Am I saying all these things are bad? Of course not, as long as common sense
and common courtesy prevail. I am concerned that we have lost our
"people skills" and compassion for others with whom we cannot relate.
I do not need to understand what it is like to wait on someone in a bar, or
restaurant or coffeeshop or any other place of business which requires
providing service for patrons. What I and some others do understand
that a select few do not is that standing in line and waiting your turn
is a given. If the stamp card says one item only for a freebie, it means
just that and the rules don't bend just to suit you! The customer is not
always right and you get back what you put out there! If you are a middle
aged female with pursed lips and a "The world is MY universe" attitude
who depends on her spouse for her funds and has the time to dine out on
a regular basis, I suggest you treat your service provider with dignity and
respect and stop being so damn picky and self indulgent and appreciate
the fact that you have been priveledged to be able to spend your days shopping and lunching with friends while someone else works hard to provide for you!
For those of you who live in residential neighborhoods, no one wants to
hear the sonic boom of the music in your car at 3 am or any other time
for that matter.
Wearing a suit and tie does not entitle you to look down your nose at
the person attending you even if you feel you are above them as members
of society. I can assure you...You are not!
I moved to my current city in hopes that people here would be a bit less
filled with contempt for others but that has not been the case. It is a world wide plague which is spreading like wildfire among the masses.
Yet, I still have hope for humanity! You do not need to be all sunshine
and lollipops all the time but just once in a while try to be a bit more
pleasant instead of someone who makes people wince when you walk
in the room. Take off the horns and try on a halo for a change, it just
might fit you better.