We all ponder our mortality at certain times in our lives. Children wonder what death really is and find it hard to believe it will ever touch them. There are also times when it does and we all wonder, why? Terminal illness lends it's own version of the art of passing from one world into the next. What would it be like to "know" this awaits you in the near future? Elderly citizens have the weight of impending death upon their shoulders. Some are ready and some are not.
If you do not believe in the realm of spirituality, you may believe that the end is just that. You live, you die and you are nevermore. For those who believe in a higher power, they strive to live as if they are preparing themselves for the next world, a better and more loving world. Do we, or do we not have what is referred to as a "soul"?
I cannot answer that question for anyone else but for me the answer is an absolute "YES"! I have never been one to try to force others to believe as I do and I respect their rights to believe as they wish, as I expect them to respect mine. I do not raise the Bible and make passive quotes and tell people whose lifestyles I may not agree with they will be forever damned, nor will I ever ask them if they have a "close personal relationship with Jesus Christ". Frankly, I don't think that is my, or anyone else's business. Do I believe in a higher power? Yes I do. I believe there are many entities who reside over us. I think spirituality has some gray areas.
I have had my share of saying goodbye (if I am lucky) to those I have loved in this life. We all have, or will, experience this difficult time. The longer we live, the more we lose. Some suffer more loss than others and some of us deal with it better. Whatever path the fates have chosen for me, I resign myself to. I cannot believe anything can be worse than the destruction and devastation of wars, the loss of a child or close family member, the hatred and hostility of humanity and the ravages of grave illness. I will appreciate the beauty of a moonlit night and beautiful sunrise and sunset. I am in awe of the vastness of the oceans and mountains. Nothing is more beautiful than the serenity of nature and the flight of birds.
For all the ugliness that sometimes surrounds us, we can still appreciate the joys of living.There are times when I have no hope for earth's inhabitants but then the unexpected happens and I believe in our purpose all over again. The least bit of kindness and giving, even in small doses could bring about a smile from whatever great power we believe in. For those of you who believe in nothing, I hope you find something to hold on to...for that is the foundation of our strength when we need it most. I guess, I wish for you and everyone, the gift of hope.
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