Thursday, May 26, 2011

Movin out, Movin up, Movin on

The world in which we now live in is fraught with change and discourse. We are at odds with each other over political issues such as health care reform, taxation and a brutalized economy worldwide. We are also becoming fearful of yet, the next natural catastrophic disaster, which seems to come in rapid succession these last few years. There are those who are taking a good long look at their lives, both past and present. Some of us are wondering what it is we may have done to bring on such negativity from humanity and the powers that be.

I often wish that life were simpler as it was in my childhood but was it really all that simple? I lived through the Vietnam War and remembered it's effect on people in my own community.
Parents lost their sons, often just out of high school, too young to have experienced life let alone death. The remnants of said war still remain in those who are still haunted by the aftershock of their experiences and their lives are forever changed. Movies were cheaper to attend, the cost of a candy bar was less than a dollar and you could buy three pieces of candy from a clear fishbowl at the local dime store for just a penny. Parents were also given carte blanche to take a belt to a child upon misbehavior of any sort without the blink of an eye. To me, this tells more about what lacks in the parent than what was wrong with the child.

Life is now more complicated in different ways. We are more academically challenged and value is placed upon performance and financial wealth more so than of moral character. I believe that education is a right and not a privilege but there is a difference between being educated and being intelligent. We have academic achievers who cannot put two sentences together without misspelling and proper writing structure. One could walk into a place of business, fill out an application and get a job, or not, without having to go through a sometimes misguided recruiter who sometimes hire poorly, which may explain employment turnovers. Employees now text, place messages on facebook and tweet during working hours. How many of us would last long at our jobs if this was done years ago?

My computer is my lifeline and my greatest form of technical communication. I however, have not forgotten the art of spoken word and verbal communication which many seem to be lacking of late. Has anyone noticed accelerated rudeness among the masses in general? We are angry with those who serve us for what I consider to be pettiness. I will admit that I am an expert at razor sharp verbiage if need be but I try to take the higher road and be a source of light rather than that of darkness. There is already enough darkness in this world.

Let us all rethink what we can contribute to a more positive, forward thinking society and utilize our technology, education and advantages to bring about a world of great diversity, acceptance and peaceful exchange and rid ourselves of negative thought and actions. It's time to move out, move up and move on to a better place within ourselves.

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