Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Is this a coffeeshop or an office?

Isn't it wonderful that we can bring in our laptops to our favorite cafe or coffee shop and work, socialize and browse the net while enjoying our favorite espresso beverage or tasty treat?
Am I the only one who notices that there are some cafe net users who seem to feel that their particular space is their very own private office and those around them must be silent or not invade the private domain they dutifully and covetously protect?

I have observed college students hovering over their computers, while sipping on a lone drink for well over and hour or more, feverishly typing data into their WIFI brainwave, looking around from time to time, protectively letting those around them know that this is THEIR area and dare enter the perimeter at your own risk. Lone student has taken a table for 4 to allow room for their many textbooks and lone beverage.

There are also the well dressed or business casual individuals who place hand on chin while in deep thought and then, as if the hallelujah chorus resounded an epiphany, they begin to suddenly type furiously as though whatever great wisdom entered their head would leave as suddenly as it came to them. These are the big spenders as they will order a lone beverage and a food item which they will partake of while spending two or more hours working in their "mini" office.

My very favorite is the female teen duo specie, whose giggles and "Oh my God's" trill about the establishment while typing intermittently on their pastel machines of socialization. Their favorite beverage of course is usually a blended espresso frappe, no whip because, like, "I don't want to get fat, oh my gaw!" They are so in their own little world that they barely notice anyone around them, unless of course it is another, perhaps prettier teen queen than they and then the claws come out! A cute guy however, brings about flirtatious looks and knowing whispers. Harmless but oh they are so amusing to observe.

My least favorite is the soccer mom/executive with the blond bob which looks as if a bottle of Clorox was dumped on their heads and their curt little (or not so little) ensembles, which never
have a wrinkle or a crease and the tappity tap of their purposeful stride as they walk to their table with their "tall, skim, sugar free vanilla latte, no foam, 130 degrees" while trying to look important as they carefully type with their perfectly manicured nails which tap, tap, tap on their snotty little keyboards. Do not DARE look in their direction! I am sure the Barista's who must serve these persnickity snobs as they smile and nod and tell them to "Have a great day!" secretly wish they could serve said beverage on top of their bleach blond do.

To be fair, there are many who are polite and order food and beverage to compensate for the space and time they are taking up in their favorite establishment. Some don't even give dirty looks if patrons sitting at a table near them actually want to socialize as they realize that they are in a public place of business and not their personal office.

Cafes, coffee shops, etc are in business to make money and not to supply anyone with unlimited space to conduct business and to expect this is just plain rude! Be polite and do not take up space for 4 if you are alone and you see the place is busy. Do not expect those around you not to have conversations because you have "work to do!" If you want a quiet place, may I suggest a library or the privacy of your own home. Let us all enjoy our favorite food and beverage while socializing with friends, family or co-workers and do so while respecting the business we patronize and fellow customers and "have a great day"...really.

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