Monday, September 12, 2011

The Ascention of the Purple Dragon

There are those among us who can never be forgotten. We may only know these special souls for a short time here on earth and it seems as though we have known them for a lifetime.
A young man named Cameron is one of those souls. How many thirteen year olds love Mel Brooks movies, never disrespect their parents, can easily converse with anyone of any age and has the ability to discuss a variety of topics with adept humor and clarity? It is difficult not to be under the spell of this marvelous creature with his infectious laugh and angelic face.

It is hard to understand why the fates would decide to cast a spell upon this dear one and inflict upon his youthful body this negative entity called cancer. Unless you are the parent of a child with this diagnosis, you will never understand the devastation it leaves upon your heart and soul. Throughout the entire process of surgery, treatment and medications as well as various forms of healing, this courageous young man remained hopeful and was an example of strength and endurance. His loving Papa, Henry, never gave up on his healing and tirelessly and lovingly cared for his beloved son. Family and friends lent support and a thousand origami cranes were proof of friendship and dedication from a lovely flower named Lily.

An amethyst dragon pendant to symbolize love and healing was a gift of love and was always worn by Cameron as a reminder of the support of those who loved him. Try though he did with his ever present Papa and the blessings from family, friends and even a few strangers, his earth bound body could no longer fight the battle any longer and this amazing spirit made his peaceful exit to a world which beckoned from beyond.

On September 14, 2008, the light of this world became a little darker but every now and then a cardinal will appear, or a thought which only he could provide will be a gentle reminder of the existence of his presence and the light of his memory which will never be extinguished.

As the Phoenix rose from the ashes, so too did the purple dragon and as it arose the color turned to the brightest white as a symbol of the highest form of healing, for as he made his way to a place where love is always, he became a white dragon, watching over those who love him still.

With loving dedication to Cameron David Allen
and his amazing Papa Henry

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