Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Silent Conversations

There are many who speak a great deal but actually say very little.
Communication does not need to be complicated nor does it need
to be spoken or written in order for one to be understood. Thus is the case with my good friend Butch. I have learned a great deal from this wise young man. Some very special individuals leave an imprint upon your very heart and soul without saying nary a word.
When I have spent time with Butch, I have gotten to know what a creative mind he has and such a vivid imagination, which as we all know is the key to great insight. I have also realized that the movies and audio books he so loves, which are fraught with fantasy and special effects, yet tell a story which imparts a valuable life lesson. The heroes and heroines in most of these adventures usually have some great obstacle to overcome in order to attain greatness.
My dear, loving friend has had many obstacles to overcome in the last several years of his life due to a childhood accident which left him unable to move his body, except for his very expressive eyes. He also does not speak but can create sounds to express how he is feeling, be it happy or sad. Butch is blessed with loving family and a very devoted Mother who look out for his best interests.
I have of late taken to the healing art form of Reiki and have given this gift of healing to my dear Butch. I wonder though, if he realizes how much he has healed me. I have learned greater compassion and complain less about my disadvantages. I hope his passion for the literary world continues and that his life becomes even more enhanced throughout the years. We no longer live in the same community but we still continue our "Silent Conversations"

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