Sometimes life gives us messages for a variety of reasons. For instance, we may get messages from dreams, some recurring. We may think a random thought which brings us to ponder the reason behind it. One does not need to "hear voices" in order to receive a legitimate source of information which some might call "intuition". We all have that ability. If you get a feeling that something is wrong or that feeling in the pit of your stomach which precedes a life changing event, or maybe a clear and precise decision we may make at the last minute as we "just know" that this is the right thing to do. All of the previous are intuitive thought processes.
I find the human mind and all of it's intricacies to be very fascinating. I learned a great deal when working with individuals with brain injury and behavioral disorders, autism, alzheimers and dementia. However, there is so much more to learn. Our psyche is what I like to refer to as a kaleidoscope of physical and mental reactions, emotions and contains a power that many of us have yet to understand. Some consider those with some of the above "disorders" to have a disability, yet I have found that much like one who is physically blind develops a keen sense of hearing and touch, those with "impairment" seem to develop strengths in other areas that they have yet to be in tune with.
I no longer question my intuitions and look forward to, in anticipation, delving into the meaning of my random thoughts, especially ones that are repetitive. The phrase "Three cardinals" has been a repetitive thought process lately, in which I have been seeing these birds
regularly, especially when I question my direction in life. Then there are the cardinal qualities of the zodiac in which my sign is in possession, the meaning of which is one who accomplishes, sets forth and does not derail from a determined task. I walked into a friends house and the room was filled with cardinals (not real ones) as they happen to be a St. Louis Cardinals fan. The list goes on and my confusion is greater than my clarity, yet there is a mystery to unfold.
For those who find me dotty, you may think as you like. I however, am determined to find the answer to my questioning mind and I hope the answer is worthy of my efforts but something tells me it is.
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