Wednesday, November 17, 2010
The "Spirits" of Christmas
The time is coming upon know...Christmas. Whether or not we're ready, or welcoming of this season in which business merchants have been flaunting their trees, lights, angel and star toppers,
gift wrap and brightly colored ribbons and lest I forget, the huge "Sale" signs throughout their stores enticing those holiday bargain shoppers who have been waiting for this moment since Halloween.
I am not one of the "chosen" ones who anticipate with joyful exuberance the season of gross overspending and credit card debt. I however, do not begrudge anyone their indulgence, nor do I spend what I cannot and enjoy the simplicity of the season instead. While not particularly religious, I do consider my self to be spiritual. I extend a hand to those in need throughout the year as best I can and not just during the holiday season.
I have been known to advocate for children and animals and all those who are more vulnerable throughout the year. I extend love and support to my family and friends regularly and believe in the spirit of giving "of myself" whenever and however I can. I am not perfect, I am flawed as all of us who are human are flawed.
Here are meaningful gifts that we all can give to the universe:
Unconditional love toward family and friends
Speak out of compassion instead of anger
Appreciate what you have instead of longing for more
Never raise your hand to harm anyone or anything
Praise will get you better results than insults or belittlement
Give something of yourself with no thought of praise or reward
Accept people for who they are instead of who you want them to be
Enjoy the holiday season as a time of love and peace and not a time
of stress and overspending
Sing joyfully all songs of yuletide joy and share the moment with others
I wish everyone a safe and happy holiday season and spiritually prosperous New Year!
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