Monday, November 29, 2010

The Ghostess with the Mostest

You know you're one of them. When no one is watch all those deliciously hair raising reality shows know..."Ghosts" Those whose spirit refuses to leave the earth and are doomed to spend the rest of eternity scaring the wits out of the poor unsuspecting living. I have to admit that I abhor most reality shows as it frosts my cookies a bit to know that untalented, pampered housfraus, spoiled heirs, has-beens and aging former rock stars are making a mint off of the obsession the gross population of this country seems to revel in. I am guilty as charged of having a fascination with the world (or other world) of spirits and entities which haunt the homes of those who dare to dwell in their earthbound prison.

One must wonder if these ghostly visitors are a bit put out that the home they possessed 100 years ago now has the modern convenience of a washer/dryer/dishwasher/computer/tv and all the gadgets that make our life so much easier while they had the hardship of toiling hours on end to get the same outcome. Perhaps there is unfinished business or unresolved emotional turmoil.

Some are kindly and protective ghosts who are looked upon as another friendly guest who
doesn't eat all of your food or use all the hot water. I am sure in the event of a true haunting the lack of eerie background music and sound effects can put a damper on the drama but can still raise the hair on the back of your neck all the same. Do I believe in ghosts? Sure, why not?

I do not begrudge the ghosts their fame and of course they do not make millions off the reality shows that exploit them. I say let the ghosthunters and paranormal investigators , exorcisor's (You never know when a stray demon will come unannounced and uninvited) and mediums ,do that voodoo that they do so well. I shamelessly admit that I will be tuning in with hopeless anticipation to see what they scare up next.

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