Spring brings rebirth and rejuvenation,bright colors and the hope of newly restored beauty of the land. With the flowering buds of plants and trees, comes a renewal of life and all its affirmations.
Summer then enters with its sunny warmth and we welcome the never ending activity, sun kissed skin and welcome cooling rain after a lengthy blast of summer heat and the thunderstorms...oh how I love a summer storm! This natural phenomenon which rattles the skies and sends a shiver of both excitement and possible dread from those who behold it's power.
My favorite season however, is Autumn, with it's hues of gold, red, orange and brown. There is nothing like an invigorating walk on a crisp fall day, the crunch of leaves beneath ones feet, the smell of wood burning in a stove, or a cozy hearth, the childlike anticipation of Halloween by children and adults alike. I wait in anticipation for warm apple cider, the smell of pumpkin pie and the fragrant aroma of Thanksgiving dinner along with the love and companionship of family and close friends.
Winter, alas the season which some love and others loathe. I admit that once the holiday season has ended and the euphoria of the preparation and merrymaking of the yuletide have ceased, I fall into a bit of melancholy as I realize I must prepare my taxes and check the weather report to prepare for safe travel. I do not indulge in winter sports or any other for that matter as I have never been a sports enthusiast, although I can appreciate the satisfaction it brings to others. However, I do think this is a season of quiet reflection.
What are my goals for this new year? How can I make a difference in my life and in others as well?
There is nothing more peaceful or beautiful as a fresh blanket of snow which cleanses the canvas of the land with its purity. I will upon this winter solstice, appreciate the tranquil beauty of my least favorite but no less important season of the year. The season of reflection.
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