You know you're one of them. When no one is watch all those deliciously hair raising reality shows know..."Ghosts" Those whose spirit refuses to leave the earth and are doomed to spend the rest of eternity scaring the wits out of the poor unsuspecting living. I have to admit that I abhor most reality shows as it frosts my cookies a bit to know that untalented, pampered housfraus, spoiled heirs, has-beens and aging former rock stars are making a mint off of the obsession the gross population of this country seems to revel in. I am guilty as charged of having a fascination with the world (or other world) of spirits and entities which haunt the homes of those who dare to dwell in their earthbound prison.
One must wonder if these ghostly visitors are a bit put out that the home they possessed 100 years ago now has the modern convenience of a washer/dryer/dishwasher/computer/tv and all the gadgets that make our life so much easier while they had the hardship of toiling hours on end to get the same outcome. Perhaps there is unfinished business or unresolved emotional turmoil.
Some are kindly and protective ghosts who are looked upon as another friendly guest who
doesn't eat all of your food or use all the hot water. I am sure in the event of a true haunting the lack of eerie background music and sound effects can put a damper on the drama but can still raise the hair on the back of your neck all the same. Do I believe in ghosts? Sure, why not?
I do not begrudge the ghosts their fame and of course they do not make millions off the reality shows that exploit them. I say let the ghosthunters and paranormal investigators , exorcisor's (You never know when a stray demon will come unannounced and uninvited) and mediums ,do that voodoo that they do so well. I shamelessly admit that I will be tuning in with hopeless anticipation to see what they scare up next.
Monday, November 29, 2010
Monday, November 22, 2010
Season of Reflection
Spring brings rebirth and rejuvenation,bright colors and the hope of newly restored beauty of the land. With the flowering buds of plants and trees, comes a renewal of life and all its affirmations.
Summer then enters with its sunny warmth and we welcome the never ending activity, sun kissed skin and welcome cooling rain after a lengthy blast of summer heat and the thunderstorms...oh how I love a summer storm! This natural phenomenon which rattles the skies and sends a shiver of both excitement and possible dread from those who behold it's power.
My favorite season however, is Autumn, with it's hues of gold, red, orange and brown. There is nothing like an invigorating walk on a crisp fall day, the crunch of leaves beneath ones feet, the smell of wood burning in a stove, or a cozy hearth, the childlike anticipation of Halloween by children and adults alike. I wait in anticipation for warm apple cider, the smell of pumpkin pie and the fragrant aroma of Thanksgiving dinner along with the love and companionship of family and close friends.
Winter, alas the season which some love and others loathe. I admit that once the holiday season has ended and the euphoria of the preparation and merrymaking of the yuletide have ceased, I fall into a bit of melancholy as I realize I must prepare my taxes and check the weather report to prepare for safe travel. I do not indulge in winter sports or any other for that matter as I have never been a sports enthusiast, although I can appreciate the satisfaction it brings to others. However, I do think this is a season of quiet reflection.
What are my goals for this new year? How can I make a difference in my life and in others as well?
There is nothing more peaceful or beautiful as a fresh blanket of snow which cleanses the canvas of the land with its purity. I will upon this winter solstice, appreciate the tranquil beauty of my least favorite but no less important season of the year. The season of reflection.
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
The "Spirits" of Christmas
The time is coming upon know...Christmas. Whether or not we're ready, or welcoming of this season in which business merchants have been flaunting their trees, lights, angel and star toppers,
gift wrap and brightly colored ribbons and lest I forget, the huge "Sale" signs throughout their stores enticing those holiday bargain shoppers who have been waiting for this moment since Halloween.
I am not one of the "chosen" ones who anticipate with joyful exuberance the season of gross overspending and credit card debt. I however, do not begrudge anyone their indulgence, nor do I spend what I cannot and enjoy the simplicity of the season instead. While not particularly religious, I do consider my self to be spiritual. I extend a hand to those in need throughout the year as best I can and not just during the holiday season.
I have been known to advocate for children and animals and all those who are more vulnerable throughout the year. I extend love and support to my family and friends regularly and believe in the spirit of giving "of myself" whenever and however I can. I am not perfect, I am flawed as all of us who are human are flawed.
Here are meaningful gifts that we all can give to the universe:
Unconditional love toward family and friends
Speak out of compassion instead of anger
Appreciate what you have instead of longing for more
Never raise your hand to harm anyone or anything
Praise will get you better results than insults or belittlement
Give something of yourself with no thought of praise or reward
Accept people for who they are instead of who you want them to be
Enjoy the holiday season as a time of love and peace and not a time
of stress and overspending
Sing joyfully all songs of yuletide joy and share the moment with others
I wish everyone a safe and happy holiday season and spiritually prosperous New Year!
Friday, November 12, 2010
He Who Understands Dragons
There are those who think of Dragons as evil paragons of
billowing smoke and fire in flight.
However, there is one among humankind who sees these
misunderstood creatures instead as powerful entities whose
flames produce healing heat and warmth.
Their smoke is their protection from those who would harm
them because they fear them.
He who understands them sees beauty in their flight and
longs to ride upon the backs of these mightly creatures.
For like so many in this world who are misunderstood.
He who understands Dragons is mighty, powerful and
healing...on the inside...where it truly matters.
Dedicated to my dearest friend "Butch"
Authored by Patsy McKenzie a great defender of Dragons
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Want great customer service? Try being a great customer!
Serving the Amercian public can be both a blessing and a curse. I am talking about the food service industry in this case. I worked as a Manager of a very trendy establishment in a metro area and I have seen it all. While you actually looked forward to some customers coming in and brighten your day in which you would do everything possible in the name of customer service to brighten theirs, you would then have some regulars that would make your heart drop in your stomach as you brace yourself to try to please them and know that somehow, despite your best efforts, you never could accomplish this task.
The best are those who will do anything to get something for free. Stamp cards can also be a curse as no matter what you offer, some customers will always want more. I have to say that I learned to smile and be accomodating but the one thing I could not and would not tolerate was rudeness and abusive behavior toward myself or my staff. I have zero tolerance for abuse of any kind period and took little time in setting these customers straight! You may say "What about rude customer service?"
I agree that you treat customers with dignity and respect and provide the best possible service with a smile. I believe firmly that collections companies seek out the biggest bullies to grace a restaurant or food service establishment and hire them as their "Fetch Dogs" or tech companies in which nary a of word of English is well spoken. I have been witness to too many priveledged housfraus with flippy blonde hair with a cell phone attached to their ear the entire time they place an order and their unruly, spoiled (like their Mother, no doubt) children screaming like banshees while Mom is oblivious to the disturbance they are causing for other paying customers, fully expect the person waiting on them to take their order and be quick about it as they have things to do (TV, internet browsing, shopping, dropping kids off at ballet, soccer, blah, blah) Let's not forget the middle aged executive of any gender who treats you like something you clean up in the park after your dog and barks at you if things go awry, whether or not it's the poor wait staff's fault.
When the hell did treating people,ANY people with dignity and respect go out of style? There are days when I witness this behavior and I want to redocorate a face or two but that would make me even worse than these offenders because I KNOW BETTER! I have stepped in one or two occasions and while they walked away sheepishly, I doubt they got the point really. We live in a society where abusive behavior is routinely practiced and aimed at those who seem most vulnerable. Is it ok to abuse your spouse, children or animals? Some dimwits would argue yes to these statements but those who are enlightened shake their heads in dispair at the cruelty humans can bestow upon one another.
Methinks these are but people who have little self esteem and an ill guided self righteous sense of entitlement. Well look out people because the meek shall inherit the earth or get fed up and tell you to "go where the sun don't shine" Look out Alaska, hello Sarah Palin...but thats a whole new blog.
The best are those who will do anything to get something for free. Stamp cards can also be a curse as no matter what you offer, some customers will always want more. I have to say that I learned to smile and be accomodating but the one thing I could not and would not tolerate was rudeness and abusive behavior toward myself or my staff. I have zero tolerance for abuse of any kind period and took little time in setting these customers straight! You may say "What about rude customer service?"
I agree that you treat customers with dignity and respect and provide the best possible service with a smile. I believe firmly that collections companies seek out the biggest bullies to grace a restaurant or food service establishment and hire them as their "Fetch Dogs" or tech companies in which nary a of word of English is well spoken. I have been witness to too many priveledged housfraus with flippy blonde hair with a cell phone attached to their ear the entire time they place an order and their unruly, spoiled (like their Mother, no doubt) children screaming like banshees while Mom is oblivious to the disturbance they are causing for other paying customers, fully expect the person waiting on them to take their order and be quick about it as they have things to do (TV, internet browsing, shopping, dropping kids off at ballet, soccer, blah, blah) Let's not forget the middle aged executive of any gender who treats you like something you clean up in the park after your dog and barks at you if things go awry, whether or not it's the poor wait staff's fault.
When the hell did treating people,ANY people with dignity and respect go out of style? There are days when I witness this behavior and I want to redocorate a face or two but that would make me even worse than these offenders because I KNOW BETTER! I have stepped in one or two occasions and while they walked away sheepishly, I doubt they got the point really. We live in a society where abusive behavior is routinely practiced and aimed at those who seem most vulnerable. Is it ok to abuse your spouse, children or animals? Some dimwits would argue yes to these statements but those who are enlightened shake their heads in dispair at the cruelty humans can bestow upon one another.
Methinks these are but people who have little self esteem and an ill guided self righteous sense of entitlement. Well look out people because the meek shall inherit the earth or get fed up and tell you to "go where the sun don't shine" Look out Alaska, hello Sarah Palin...but thats a whole new blog.
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Babette for President 2016

There is a member of my household who really knows whats going on in the world...Her's that is! If only all our country's leaders had to worry about was how to have a productive day. For Babette, that would be 2 hours out of 24 and most of that includes being cute and letting YOU know she knows it, or, is it nap time yet? (that would be the other 22 hours).
I really do think she has a keen grasp on how things should work. She sleeps when I'm talking to her and who are you kidding that half of the senate isn't taking a snooze when the subjects of health care reform, keeping jobs in the US, no more handouts to every other country but ours and let's NOT solve the problems in the middle east that have been brewing since before the big JC! While she loves playing with a furry little (almost real looking) fake mouse, our country's leaders love playing Russian Roulette with our tax dollars.
Besides sleeping and playing, she really enjoys her organic cat food and kitty treats which she always feels entitled to, much like the IRS feels entitled to taking our hard earned money that we have absolutely no power whatsoever over and God ( or whatever higher power you believe in as I wouldn't want to be politically incorrect) help you if you screw up your taxes at the end of the year! When she brings up a hairball, she reminds me of all the broken promises spewed forth by those who will tell any lie and spend millions of dollars to get elected (or re-elected)
only to conveniently forget all said promises once in office.
Hey, at least she doesn't lie! With a cat, what you see is what you get. When you think about it, she just may be a viable candidate and she won't run as a democrat,republican or libertarian. She knows shes the prettiest, has the best hair and knows how to get what she wants (entitlements?) because as anyone who has ever been owned by a cat knows...they are very INDEPENDENT! Babette for President 2016! Free fish frys at the White House on Fridays! Yeah Madame President!
Saturday, November 6, 2010
The Wisdom of Children
Last night I met an incredible 9 year old boy! Do to all the political hoopla of late and my disappointment concerning election results,
I have been in a bit of a negative mode and I admit, I do not like the
negativity I have been feeling and combative nature it brings out in
me when expressing my views. I believe we all have the right to our
views and opinions, I just don't like it when someone who's opinion
differs from mine tries to shove theirs down my throat. The bottom
line for me is that all I really want is a balance of power and adequate
health care, FAIR taxation, no free rides for those who could work but
won't and supporting our countries people first and then help those in
other countries. Oh, I digress... The 9 year old boy I was referring to
is a reminder to me of what is truly important. This child has been raising funds for St. Judes Children's Hospital in Memphis since he was
5 years old. His Mother told me he gives his birthday and holiday money
to this cause and does so unselfishly! What is the correlation you say?
Finding a cause that is worthy, giving unselfishly and accomplishing
a goal. Our country needs to focus on whats important and do the work
without complaint and argument no matter what your views and do the right thing for the people in this country who have entrusted you with their tax dollars and support. It is really that simple. We can all learn a valuable lessen from many a child if adults would only listen.
I have been in a bit of a negative mode and I admit, I do not like the
negativity I have been feeling and combative nature it brings out in
me when expressing my views. I believe we all have the right to our
views and opinions, I just don't like it when someone who's opinion
differs from mine tries to shove theirs down my throat. The bottom
line for me is that all I really want is a balance of power and adequate
health care, FAIR taxation, no free rides for those who could work but
won't and supporting our countries people first and then help those in
other countries. Oh, I digress... The 9 year old boy I was referring to
is a reminder to me of what is truly important. This child has been raising funds for St. Judes Children's Hospital in Memphis since he was
5 years old. His Mother told me he gives his birthday and holiday money
to this cause and does so unselfishly! What is the correlation you say?
Finding a cause that is worthy, giving unselfishly and accomplishing
a goal. Our country needs to focus on whats important and do the work
without complaint and argument no matter what your views and do the right thing for the people in this country who have entrusted you with their tax dollars and support. It is really that simple. We can all learn a valuable lessen from many a child if adults would only listen.
Friday, November 5, 2010
The Transition of Seasons
It has long been my opinion that the changing of the seasons effects the
human psyche in a multitude of ways, such as... depression, hyperactive
tendencies, a sort of jeg lag type of feeling during daylight savings time.
There are those who suffer from a condition known as "sundowners syndrome" in which these individuals experience accelerated symptoms
as listed above and can include confusion and physical discomfort as
well. I myself have a good 2 weeks of adjusting when these time and seasonal changes occur. Autumn is to me, the most beautiful and exhilerating of the seasons, the crisp air, the stirring of leaves and the
excitement of All Hallows Eve. It is true that every season has it's wonders and disappointments but I can't imagine how boring life would be without change. I guess that is what makes life so interesting as nothing truly evolves without change and transition.
human psyche in a multitude of ways, such as... depression, hyperactive
tendencies, a sort of jeg lag type of feeling during daylight savings time.
There are those who suffer from a condition known as "sundowners syndrome" in which these individuals experience accelerated symptoms
as listed above and can include confusion and physical discomfort as
well. I myself have a good 2 weeks of adjusting when these time and seasonal changes occur. Autumn is to me, the most beautiful and exhilerating of the seasons, the crisp air, the stirring of leaves and the
excitement of All Hallows Eve. It is true that every season has it's wonders and disappointments but I can't imagine how boring life would be without change. I guess that is what makes life so interesting as nothing truly evolves without change and transition.
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