Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Babette the Reikitty

Such a face! There are many kinds of pet owners, those who can't be without one, those who are allergic and those who prefer dogs over cats as they find them to be "friendlier". This is just my opinion and while I appreciate their cuteness and faithfulness, I also find them to be a bit needy for my taste. I like the self sufficiency of my feline companion and her ability to show love and affection (on her terms) and be dismissive and allow me to have time to myself without needing constant attention. I admire that in a pet frankly.

As a Reiki and healing arts practitioner, I find it very necessary to have as much peace and tranquility in my home as possible. When clients come for a healing session, dear old Babs makes herself scarce until the session is over, then, as if on cue, she appears and allows clients to pay attention to her, or not, whichever they please. I think she feels that the healing is not complete until she makes an appearance. She is probably right.

There are those who have doubts as to the healing qualities that animals possess but I know better.
Have you ever noticed your pets staring at a spot on the wall, avoiding a certain room in the house, or even avoiding certain people they may come in contact with? I never ignore my cat when she seems to "warn" me of something or someone to stay clear of, or gravitate to, whatever the case may be. Animals have a heightened sense of their surroundings and when they give warning, we would do well to take heed.

Native Americans have long since had a healthy respect for the intuition of animals. There is a reason why they choose animal totems to guide them in their daily lives. Humans possess intuition but on a very different level than animals. Many cultures find animals to be sacred and a gift from the spirits. That is how I feel about my furry friend, Babette.

When I am not feeling the healthiest in body and spirit, she lays on me or near me to "heal" me and it usually works wonders. I always feel better when petting her and when she reaches out her paw to express her love and unconditional acceptance, I melt a little inside. Call me a pushover but I never feel judged or that any more than love and affection are needed from me. People however, are not always so easy to please.

Being a lightworker has brought much joy and meaning in my life and besides my family and close friends, so does my dear Reikitty Babette. She is now 15 years old and I cannot bear to think of the day she will no longer be with me in this world. Pets are family as much as our human family members and often cause us less stress. May every pet owner be kind and gentle and remember that our animal companions give as much to us as we give to them and sometimes, maybe even more.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Happy Birthday Miss America

The land of the free and the home of the brave, or so they say. Some may not agree with this time honored statement but if you compare our freedom and democracy with other countries, we actually have it pretty good my fellow Americans.
Let's face it, the world in general needs some work. Let us start by ending hatred, hunger, violence, abuse and financial devastation. These are all fixable and there are solutions to end these problems worldwide. However, we just need to do one thing...Compromise!  It begins with listening to one another and actually communicating in a effective and positive manner. One can wave the flag and becry the injustices we think we suffer from but my opinion is, people seem to listen harder when you speak softly and without judgment and condemnation. Let us all spend more wisely, judge others less harshly and work more effectively as a nation to end poverty, hunger, healthcare reform and violence.

It seems, we Americans tend to love the drama of negativity. Perhaps less reality tv and deal with reality off screen, cause we all know reality tv is a bit, shall I say, enhanced. Quit texting for 5 seconds and actually speak to someone in person for a change. Disconnect from our cell phones long enough for a personal exchange with a human within close proximity of you. Am I saying this technology is necessarily a bad thing? No, because I use all of the above but try to stay connected on a personal level with people whom I care about and do business with. If you ask me to lunch and spend most of your time texting or on your cell, I am going to haul my butt out the door because you have been beyond rude and don't deserve my time and attention.

Please stop blaming the plight of lost manners and poor behavior on our youth. Where do we think they learn this from? I have seen more moronic behavior and bad attitudes from adults than I have ever seen from children. I do not play into the "back in my day" BS either. Adults keep blaming the generation before and we need to just shut up and set a good example. The good old days are gone so quit reliving them and worry about the here and now. I am no longer in high school and don't want to go back. I have no misconceptions of how wonderful life "used" to be. We need to focus on the life we are currently living and deal with our problems in the present because, the "good old days" weren't always so great. We still had wars, domestic violence (keeping the little lady in line) child abuse (erroniously called discipline) racial unrest, murders, rapes, incest and the list goes on. The only reason we are more aware of these issues today is due to the media reporting everything and anything.

Want America to be better? Be part of the solution instead of part of the problem. The government isn't perfect and neither are we. Love your country? Prove it! Volunteer to help worthy organizations, support our neighbors instead of tearing them down, be a positive instead of a negative voice in the community, stop whining and start doing something. There are amazing citizens who make a difference every day in their communities and we should applaud them. Start putting positive posts on your facebook page instead of hateful and negative ones because frankly, I am getting sick of them.

Let us all love this country the way it deserves. Set aside our differences, political and religious views and combine energies to make this a country we can be proud to call our home. It is our responsibility to make it the best that it can be. As this Fourth of July celebration approaches, let us all take pause to remember why we honor this day in the first place. "Liberty and Justice for ALL"