Tuesday, February 22, 2011

The voices that won't be silenced

"Save the children, save the families, save the workers, save our pensions!" These are the words of Reverand Jesse Jackson spoken on behalf of Wisconsin state public workers in response to the "Budget Deficit Bill" a bill that, if passed, would signifigantly change the lives of many workers, families, students and clients in the state of Wisconsin. The Wisconsin state capitol building and it's grounds were a maze of peaceful, yet passionate supporters of the plight of those effected by this bill. Does Wisconsin need to make sacrifices to amend our debt? Of course but does the brunt of this debt have to be carried by a specific group of citizens?

There are those who call these individuals "selfish and greedy" among other negative comments I will not mention. "Unions breed Socialist mindsets" I have even read facebook posts which state that those who oppose this bill are "communists". One gentleman(I am being kind here) referring to educators stated "Why don't you get a REAL job!" That one made my right eye twitch for several minutes and let me tell you that when this particular spasm occurs, you better not be within arms distance of this otherwise peace loving female! Opposers have also stated their preference for "privatization". When it comes to a battle of wits, I am in my element. However, I find no pleasure in the battle of the witless! What I find really amusing is when the argument from those from the deep southern states who speak of "them thar no good teachers" and " I support my chilluns on my own income without no help from nobody and them thar public workers kin do the same dadgummit!" Let us also check the statistics of their test scores, SATs and well...you see what I'm getting at.

I actually used to like "tea parties" until those in attendance lately seem to think public workers are out for a free ride at their expense, as if the very workers they condemn DO NOT pay taxes??? Well, I would not want to attend a tea party anyway, where Governor Walker is the Mad Hatter. You might get tea but you can forget about the crumpets! Am I a radical liberal? No, actually, I consider myself a moderate. I believe we need to decrease the deficit and curb spending. I also believe we need to " spread the love". Do not just focus on one group to balance our budget. Do not give further funds(to the tune of millions) to the corporate sector. If people would receive a fair wage and treatment in the workplace, we would not need unions but alas, many would not be able to make a liveable wage. Workers have already agreed to pay cuts but deserve the right to "Collective Bargaining". It is a right as an American citizen and should be respected by all , especially our countries leadership.

Let us all unify whether pro or con on the issue of the people's right to have a voice. My most memorable moment observing this historical event on the capitol square, was the positive energy of the crowd, helicopters flying overhead, news teams abounding and the voice of Reverand Jesse Jackson as he stated with passion "Don't let them break your spirit!"