Monday, March 21, 2011

Declaration of MY Independence

I, Patsy McKenzie, am proud to proclaim, that I am a citizen of the United States of America. I am a hardworking, underpaid, member of society and a single, divorced woman with strong opinions and admirable intellect. I, like many other Americans, pay taxes, a multitude of bills, drive a "sensible" four door sedan ( I cannot afford a gas guzzling,  pricey vehicle the size of a bus with today's gas prices!) This patriotic Patsy was a girl scout leader, PTO officer and keeps the cleanest abode in the region. I also take advantage of the privilege which our female ancestors fought so hard for, one of which is the right to vote for the candidate of my choice when election time rolls around. Or whatever candidate can AFFORD to run for office.

I believe in affordable health care for everyone in this country, a livable wage (What IS minimum wage again?) as well as a safe and crime free environment, clean, breathable air and quality education for all children who live in this country, so that "no child left behind" will ever have to say nu-clear, secertary and dubya. I believe all the above are rights and not privileges. I am here to state and these are my opinions, that everyone should have the right to choose the religion of their choice, or none at all if they so choose. Our sexuality is our own individual concern and no one else's, whether you are gay, straight, bisexual, or a single, middle aged, female who has been divorced for quite some time and doesn't want to date until SHE feels like it so back off already! I also believe that before we judge others, we should take a good look at ourselves, less we be judged by a jury of our peers and are found to be contemptable.

The rights I believe we do not have, are to ever raise our hand to strike another living soul, no matter what age, religion or reason unless your life it at stake. No one has the right to take what does not belong to them, whether we are a petty thief, bored housewife( most of the housewives on Bravo) rich drugged out starlets (Lindsay Lohann) corporate executives (Bernie Madoff) or government official ( I would get writer's cramp).
We also haven't the right to condemn, because we are condemnable and last but no less important, to kill because we covet or hate.

Bearing all this in mind, I still say that I am proud to be a strong, independent, opinionated, free spirited, spiritual (not religious) female citizen of the United States of America, in which because of the freedoms accorded by the United States Constitution, one of which being the right to free expression. I am able to state all of the above and I, Patsy McKenzie, thank you for sharing in my freedom!

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Channeling Our Inner Sunshine

There are times when a rainy day can bring comfort. If we happen to be working at our place of employment on such a day, we may say to ourselves" It's such a gloomy day, I might as well be at work!" However, if we find ourselves at home on days such as these, we may be grateful to curl up in a comfy chair with a good book and a hot cup of coffee or tea and listen to the sounds of rain upon the roof.

Why then, do we not take the latter mentality and apply it to everyday living? We reside in a world where a great deal of focus is placed upon all that is wrong with us. We are plagued with allergies, mental disorders and physical ailments and those who are afflicted are driven to live their lives around their disorders, which greatly effects the quality of their lives. The afore mentioned conditions are very real, it is true but must we let them hold us back from all that life has to offer?

Instead of taking a night time sedative, why not meditate or listen to relaxing music and apply breathing techniques to calm our restless spirit. Those who suffer from depression, bi-polar and anxiety disorders would all benefit from exercise, which releases endorfants to stimulate not only the physical body but brings balance to our emotional well being. Medication alone, is not the answer. Even if one does not suffer from serious disorders, we are still prone to the stress and anxiety that accompanies all of life's challenges. We all must face crisis at some time or another such as: finances, relationships, parenting, peer pressure, self image and self acceptance.

Realistically, we can expect all of these things to happen as they are simply a part of life. We will not always find contentment every minute of the day but we can and must take responsibility for our own nirvana.
When life becomes a downpour, it is up to us to allow our inner sun to shine.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Tending Mary's Garden

As I look out my window at the beckoning space, which contains the lovely flowers and foliage placed inside a semi-circle of stone, I can't help but think of the petitie soul who created this sactuary of peace and serenity, amidst the suburban dwelling, in which those of us, her neighbors, still live. Her name was Mary and she was a fair haired Irishwoman, who could be brought to tears upon hearing an opera aria, or just as easily put you in your place, if so inclined, and sometimes, without much provocation. This feisty little woman with the Irish lilt, which had softened over the forty years she had been absent from her native country. She was a cultured individual who embraced art and music, was well traveled and an avid conversationalist, when she so chose.

There were those of us who called her mother, aunt, sister and friend.
Some knew her better than others but all who knew her will remember her in their hearts and minds. Mary is now gone in body but her spirit lives on in our memories and the lovely garden created by her loving hands and the blessings of Mother Nature. Some of us continue to nurture the delicate petals of the flowers that still bloom, despite the fact that she no longer tends them. We all realize that soon enough, someone else will possess "her" garden. As all good neighbors do, we will welcome them and wish them well and most of all, hope that they too, will cherish tending Mary's garden.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Wisconsin Governor slams capitol door in face of constituants

I do not mean the above title quite that literally but I think it is safe to say that the Governor of Wisconsin, Scott Walker seems to think that being head of the household means that he has the right to dictate who is and is not allowed to occupy the "capitol of the state of Wisconsin" including those who elect the very officials who represent our fair state. There have been state representatives who upon showing their ID badges, have not even been allowed in the building. This is a travesty and unconstitutional to say the very least!

I have been amused of late at the mathmatical findings and percentage quotes of those who find favor with our highest ranking state official. It seems that there are those who deem themselves proficient in the monetary amount of the expenditures of the cost of union workers and their representatives. I do not garner information that I cannot back up as factual as it may seemingly sneak up and bite one in the hindquarters when least expected. People are paying close attention to what is being said and by whom and the click, click, clicking of the computer keyboards across the state and all across the country for that matter, wield the sounds of those who must have facts and information as well as much needed ammunition (the peaceful kind) in which to carry forth into battle. Battle you say? You better believe it! Our very way of life and the way in which our state is being governed is at stake. Let us not forget the grandiose way in which Mr. Walker has decided to blaze his trail of glory right across the constitutional rights of public workers and their right to voice their concerns. His political stance on this bill would impact their very livlihood and ability to support their families, as well as the educational process in this, a state which has prided itself as having one of the highest levels of academic achievement on a national level.

We are now reaching a state of economic crisis not only in the state of Wisconsin but as a nation. I agree that we need to balance our budget and decrease our deficit but must we put the extent of this burden on those who serve our state with honor and diligence? This is not the way our state officials should treat the people whom they represent. I am deeply saddened that the state in which I have returned to call my home after an 8 year absence has come to this.

I hereby call out to all the citizens of the great and humble state of Wisconsin to defend those who serve all of us, for what they are asking is not much. Stand up for the equality of everyone's right to a fair wage and the right to voice their concerns when one would endeavor to take them away but most important, stand up for yourself for if we do not do this now, at this time,
we will forever regret using the single most powerful thing we possess.
The voice with which to say "I matter"!