Wednesday, January 26, 2011

The Whispering of Angels

Is is not uncommon to hear or sense a message within the inner most dwelling of your brain, encouraging, enticing and encapturing your deepest soul stirrings. For those of us who believe in a higher plane of spirituality, one might say these messages may come from a heavenly source of all knowing, all seeing and enlightenment. I prefer to think of these barely audible, whispered or innermost communications to be that of the angelic realm.

It gives me great comfort to believe in times of trial or triumph, that I am receiving comfort or encouragement from a loving presence. Perhaps it could be the spirit of a loved one giving gentle guidance as we choose our life's path. There are also those times in which we must bear the burden's of which we would not choose. Wouldn't it bring solace to know we have a support system that no mortal being can provide?

As we get older and hopefully, wiser, we become more aware of our mortality and wonder what lies beyond the veil of human existance. Some may say that those of us who choose to believe in the existance of angels and spirits are deceiving ourselves as to the reality of such an impossibility. If that is the case, then let me be deceived, for I much prefer to believe in the "whispering of angels" than the "silence of the soul".

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Hey naysaysers! Let me know when you get your "Certificate of Perfection!"

I have been noticing many negative comments on Facebook of late and it is starting to concern me. I am trying to make more positive remarks on my profile page in order to set an example for those who cannot seem to do so on theirs.

Does making fun of, or commenting on the looks of others in a negative way really make you feel superior? If so, take a good look at yourself and see what some of the rest of us see. Not all but some, twenty somethings seem to think they will never age, or become overweight or ill and the world is their oyster alone. Time for a reality check!

Not to be misunderstood, I am not saying that all individuals in this age
category are this immature and self-centered. The world itself has become more critical in general and now there is a public format for
expressing what sometimes should be better left unsaid. I firmly believe
in self expression but could it be more positive and up lifting instead of
negative and demeaning?

When commenting on "Has Been" celebrities, remember that they at
least achieved greatness at one time. Have those of you who put them
down ever achieved stardom? I suppose when one is not secure in themselves they must put down others in order to elevate themselves.
However, when you do so, it becomes extremely clear to those reading
your ramblings how very insecure you truly are.

I can be opinionated and speak my mind but have learned to read what
I write and then perhaps think: "Do I really need to express that? "
All of us need to learn to be more conscious of what we say and how we
say it but remember when you use the defense "I was only stating the truth", it may just be your concept of the truth and not what truly is.

We all have success and failure in life. When you are experiencing the
latter, would you prefer support or condemnation? Think about
that or just plain think before you communicate.

For example, I have had to censor this blog and make it more kindly than
if I expressed how I truly feel. I hope those who read this realize that it was written in the spirit of inspiring a kinder, gentler and less bitchy society. People feel bad enough about themselves as it is without anyone
else adding to their self doubt. Think, edit and then write and be an inspiration and not a desecration of humanity!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Silent Conversations

There are many who speak a great deal but actually say very little.
Communication does not need to be complicated nor does it need
to be spoken or written in order for one to be understood. Thus is the case with my good friend Butch. I have learned a great deal from this wise young man. Some very special individuals leave an imprint upon your very heart and soul without saying nary a word.
When I have spent time with Butch, I have gotten to know what a creative mind he has and such a vivid imagination, which as we all know is the key to great insight. I have also realized that the movies and audio books he so loves, which are fraught with fantasy and special effects, yet tell a story which imparts a valuable life lesson. The heroes and heroines in most of these adventures usually have some great obstacle to overcome in order to attain greatness.
My dear, loving friend has had many obstacles to overcome in the last several years of his life due to a childhood accident which left him unable to move his body, except for his very expressive eyes. He also does not speak but can create sounds to express how he is feeling, be it happy or sad. Butch is blessed with loving family and a very devoted Mother who look out for his best interests.
I have of late taken to the healing art form of Reiki and have given this gift of healing to my dear Butch. I wonder though, if he realizes how much he has healed me. I have learned greater compassion and complain less about my disadvantages. I hope his passion for the literary world continues and that his life becomes even more enhanced throughout the years. We no longer live in the same community but we still continue our "Silent Conversations"

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Kill em with kindness...or else!

This has got to stop! Oh, sorry for that outburst but I am running out
of patience with the lack of courtesy in our society today. Yes, I realize
that this does not apply to everyone and I agree there are wonderful
kind and gracious individuals but frankly, it's not THEM I worry about!

We have become a "Me" obcessed world of "Gimmee's" who cannot accept that things in life do not always go our way and sometimes there
is a good reason for it! Perhaps it is because we live in a "techno" world
of cell phones with text messaging and computers with email. Am I saying all these things are bad? Of course not, as long as common sense
and common courtesy prevail. I am concerned that we have lost our
"people skills" and compassion for others with whom we cannot relate.

I do not need to understand what it is like to wait on someone in a bar, or
restaurant or coffeeshop or any other place of business which requires
providing service for patrons. What I and some others do understand
that a select few do not is that standing in line and waiting your turn
is a given. If the stamp card says one item only for a freebie, it means
just that and the rules don't bend just to suit you! The customer is not
always right and you get back what you put out there! If you are a middle
aged female with pursed lips and a "The world is MY universe" attitude
who depends on her spouse for her funds and has the time to dine out on
a regular basis, I suggest you treat your service provider with dignity and
respect and stop being so damn picky and self indulgent and appreciate
the fact that you have been priveledged to be able to spend your days shopping and lunching with friends while someone else works hard to provide for you!

For those of you who live in residential neighborhoods, no one wants to
hear the sonic boom of the music in your car at 3 am or any other time
for that matter.

Wearing a suit and tie does not entitle you to look down your nose at
the person attending you even if you feel you are above them as members
of society. I can assure you...You are not!

I moved to my current city in hopes that people here would be a bit less
filled with contempt for others but that has not been the case. It is a world wide plague which is spreading like wildfire among the masses.
Yet, I still have hope for humanity! You do not need to be all sunshine
and lollipops all the time but just once in a while try to be a bit more
pleasant instead of someone who makes people wince when you walk
in the room. Take off the horns and try on a halo for a change, it just
might fit you better.