Thursday, May 26, 2011
The World According to Patsy: Movin out, movin up, movin on
The World According to Patsy: Movin out, movin up, movin on: "The world in which we now live in is fraught with change and discourse, simultaneously. We are at odds with each other over political issues..."
Movin out, Movin up, Movin on
The world in which we now live in is fraught with change and discourse. We are at odds with each other over political issues such as health care reform, taxation and a brutalized economy worldwide. We are also becoming fearful of yet, the next natural catastrophic disaster, which seems to come in rapid succession these last few years. There are those who are taking a good long look at their lives, both past and present. Some of us are wondering what it is we may have done to bring on such negativity from humanity and the powers that be.
I often wish that life were simpler as it was in my childhood but was it really all that simple? I lived through the Vietnam War and remembered it's effect on people in my own community.
Parents lost their sons, often just out of high school, too young to have experienced life let alone death. The remnants of said war still remain in those who are still haunted by the aftershock of their experiences and their lives are forever changed. Movies were cheaper to attend, the cost of a candy bar was less than a dollar and you could buy three pieces of candy from a clear fishbowl at the local dime store for just a penny. Parents were also given carte blanche to take a belt to a child upon misbehavior of any sort without the blink of an eye. To me, this tells more about what lacks in the parent than what was wrong with the child.
Life is now more complicated in different ways. We are more academically challenged and value is placed upon performance and financial wealth more so than of moral character. I believe that education is a right and not a privilege but there is a difference between being educated and being intelligent. We have academic achievers who cannot put two sentences together without misspelling and proper writing structure. One could walk into a place of business, fill out an application and get a job, or not, without having to go through a sometimes misguided recruiter who sometimes hire poorly, which may explain employment turnovers. Employees now text, place messages on facebook and tweet during working hours. How many of us would last long at our jobs if this was done years ago?
My computer is my lifeline and my greatest form of technical communication. I however, have not forgotten the art of spoken word and verbal communication which many seem to be lacking of late. Has anyone noticed accelerated rudeness among the masses in general? We are angry with those who serve us for what I consider to be pettiness. I will admit that I am an expert at razor sharp verbiage if need be but I try to take the higher road and be a source of light rather than that of darkness. There is already enough darkness in this world.
Let us all rethink what we can contribute to a more positive, forward thinking society and utilize our technology, education and advantages to bring about a world of great diversity, acceptance and peaceful exchange and rid ourselves of negative thought and actions. It's time to move out, move up and move on to a better place within ourselves.
I often wish that life were simpler as it was in my childhood but was it really all that simple? I lived through the Vietnam War and remembered it's effect on people in my own community.
Parents lost their sons, often just out of high school, too young to have experienced life let alone death. The remnants of said war still remain in those who are still haunted by the aftershock of their experiences and their lives are forever changed. Movies were cheaper to attend, the cost of a candy bar was less than a dollar and you could buy three pieces of candy from a clear fishbowl at the local dime store for just a penny. Parents were also given carte blanche to take a belt to a child upon misbehavior of any sort without the blink of an eye. To me, this tells more about what lacks in the parent than what was wrong with the child.
Life is now more complicated in different ways. We are more academically challenged and value is placed upon performance and financial wealth more so than of moral character. I believe that education is a right and not a privilege but there is a difference between being educated and being intelligent. We have academic achievers who cannot put two sentences together without misspelling and proper writing structure. One could walk into a place of business, fill out an application and get a job, or not, without having to go through a sometimes misguided recruiter who sometimes hire poorly, which may explain employment turnovers. Employees now text, place messages on facebook and tweet during working hours. How many of us would last long at our jobs if this was done years ago?
My computer is my lifeline and my greatest form of technical communication. I however, have not forgotten the art of spoken word and verbal communication which many seem to be lacking of late. Has anyone noticed accelerated rudeness among the masses in general? We are angry with those who serve us for what I consider to be pettiness. I will admit that I am an expert at razor sharp verbiage if need be but I try to take the higher road and be a source of light rather than that of darkness. There is already enough darkness in this world.
Let us all rethink what we can contribute to a more positive, forward thinking society and utilize our technology, education and advantages to bring about a world of great diversity, acceptance and peaceful exchange and rid ourselves of negative thought and actions. It's time to move out, move up and move on to a better place within ourselves.
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Hail to the (Drag) Queens!
I am a heterosexual woman (well...what does it mean when you find NO one interesting?)
My best friend is gay. (Not the Maaarryyy, no you didn't! kind) however, I shall now direct my attention to those fascinating, delicious creatures known as "Drag Queens". You've just got to love the wigs, makeup, gowns, cattiness (sometimes) and the names are the best!
Helena Troy...Cinnamon AllSpice...Miss Suki Yaki and Lola Flamboyah. I think you get the drift.
For those of you who think being a drag queen is all play and no work, guess again! I would never attempt to walk in stillettos, let alone attempt to dance and perform in them. Many of these superdivas not only design but sew their own costumes or reconstruct a ready made ensemble to create their savvy characters. Let us not forget the wardrobe of wigs and the creativity required to transform a five o'clock shadow into a flawless beauty!
A true drag queen must possess some sort of talent, be it believable lip syncing, comedic routines or the art of impersonation which often requires awesome vocal ability. What are a drag queens favorite divas to impersonate? Well, there's Cher, Liza, Judy, Barbara and let us not forget, Madonna and the newest star to recreate...they are all goo goo for Ga Ga!
These entertaining vixens come in all shapes and sizes and while there are some (I hate them, yet I love them) who possess gams, breasts and posteriors that could make a straight man look twice! Most drag queens are quick to state that the characters they create are considered their career and not who they truly are. They consider themselves men, who like men but dress as women for entertainment and employment purposes as an art form. Ru Paul has been a drag queen and great supporter and spokesperson for the LGBT community and has had a long and very financially rewarding career with a large and diverse fan base.
I applaud those compassionate queens who make a difference in their community as advocates for youth and speaking on behalf of those who have been victims of bullying as well as HIV and AIDS, gay marriage and the right for partners to support their loved ones during times of illness and end of life process. As a performing artist and writer, I support the arts in all it's diversity and consider drag queens to be just as entertaining or more so than many other creative arts professions. I also support without exception, ones right to be able to bring to life, their vision of arts and performance without criticism based solely on narrow mindeness and prejudice.
"Jesus loves drag queens too people!"
Sincerely, Mary Magdalena Just kidding!
My best friend is gay. (Not the Maaarryyy, no you didn't! kind) however, I shall now direct my attention to those fascinating, delicious creatures known as "Drag Queens". You've just got to love the wigs, makeup, gowns, cattiness (sometimes) and the names are the best!
Helena Troy...Cinnamon AllSpice...Miss Suki Yaki and Lola Flamboyah. I think you get the drift.
For those of you who think being a drag queen is all play and no work, guess again! I would never attempt to walk in stillettos, let alone attempt to dance and perform in them. Many of these superdivas not only design but sew their own costumes or reconstruct a ready made ensemble to create their savvy characters. Let us not forget the wardrobe of wigs and the creativity required to transform a five o'clock shadow into a flawless beauty!
A true drag queen must possess some sort of talent, be it believable lip syncing, comedic routines or the art of impersonation which often requires awesome vocal ability. What are a drag queens favorite divas to impersonate? Well, there's Cher, Liza, Judy, Barbara and let us not forget, Madonna and the newest star to recreate...they are all goo goo for Ga Ga!
These entertaining vixens come in all shapes and sizes and while there are some (I hate them, yet I love them) who possess gams, breasts and posteriors that could make a straight man look twice! Most drag queens are quick to state that the characters they create are considered their career and not who they truly are. They consider themselves men, who like men but dress as women for entertainment and employment purposes as an art form. Ru Paul has been a drag queen and great supporter and spokesperson for the LGBT community and has had a long and very financially rewarding career with a large and diverse fan base.
I applaud those compassionate queens who make a difference in their community as advocates for youth and speaking on behalf of those who have been victims of bullying as well as HIV and AIDS, gay marriage and the right for partners to support their loved ones during times of illness and end of life process. As a performing artist and writer, I support the arts in all it's diversity and consider drag queens to be just as entertaining or more so than many other creative arts professions. I also support without exception, ones right to be able to bring to life, their vision of arts and performance without criticism based solely on narrow mindeness and prejudice.
"Jesus loves drag queens too people!"
Sincerely, Mary Magdalena Just kidding!
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Is this a coffeeshop or an office?
Isn't it wonderful that we can bring in our laptops to our favorite cafe or coffee shop and work, socialize and browse the net while enjoying our favorite espresso beverage or tasty treat?
Am I the only one who notices that there are some cafe net users who seem to feel that their particular space is their very own private office and those around them must be silent or not invade the private domain they dutifully and covetously protect?
I have observed college students hovering over their computers, while sipping on a lone drink for well over and hour or more, feverishly typing data into their WIFI brainwave, looking around from time to time, protectively letting those around them know that this is THEIR area and dare enter the perimeter at your own risk. Lone student has taken a table for 4 to allow room for their many textbooks and lone beverage.
There are also the well dressed or business casual individuals who place hand on chin while in deep thought and then, as if the hallelujah chorus resounded an epiphany, they begin to suddenly type furiously as though whatever great wisdom entered their head would leave as suddenly as it came to them. These are the big spenders as they will order a lone beverage and a food item which they will partake of while spending two or more hours working in their "mini" office.
My very favorite is the female teen duo specie, whose giggles and "Oh my God's" trill about the establishment while typing intermittently on their pastel machines of socialization. Their favorite beverage of course is usually a blended espresso frappe, no whip because, like, "I don't want to get fat, oh my gaw!" They are so in their own little world that they barely notice anyone around them, unless of course it is another, perhaps prettier teen queen than they and then the claws come out! A cute guy however, brings about flirtatious looks and knowing whispers. Harmless but oh they are so amusing to observe.
My least favorite is the soccer mom/executive with the blond bob which looks as if a bottle of Clorox was dumped on their heads and their curt little (or not so little) ensembles, which never
have a wrinkle or a crease and the tappity tap of their purposeful stride as they walk to their table with their "tall, skim, sugar free vanilla latte, no foam, 130 degrees" while trying to look important as they carefully type with their perfectly manicured nails which tap, tap, tap on their snotty little keyboards. Do not DARE look in their direction! I am sure the Barista's who must serve these persnickity snobs as they smile and nod and tell them to "Have a great day!" secretly wish they could serve said beverage on top of their bleach blond do.
To be fair, there are many who are polite and order food and beverage to compensate for the space and time they are taking up in their favorite establishment. Some don't even give dirty looks if patrons sitting at a table near them actually want to socialize as they realize that they are in a public place of business and not their personal office.
Cafes, coffee shops, etc are in business to make money and not to supply anyone with unlimited space to conduct business and to expect this is just plain rude! Be polite and do not take up space for 4 if you are alone and you see the place is busy. Do not expect those around you not to have conversations because you have "work to do!" If you want a quiet place, may I suggest a library or the privacy of your own home. Let us all enjoy our favorite food and beverage while socializing with friends, family or co-workers and do so while respecting the business we patronize and fellow customers and "have a great day"...really.
Am I the only one who notices that there are some cafe net users who seem to feel that their particular space is their very own private office and those around them must be silent or not invade the private domain they dutifully and covetously protect?
I have observed college students hovering over their computers, while sipping on a lone drink for well over and hour or more, feverishly typing data into their WIFI brainwave, looking around from time to time, protectively letting those around them know that this is THEIR area and dare enter the perimeter at your own risk. Lone student has taken a table for 4 to allow room for their many textbooks and lone beverage.
There are also the well dressed or business casual individuals who place hand on chin while in deep thought and then, as if the hallelujah chorus resounded an epiphany, they begin to suddenly type furiously as though whatever great wisdom entered their head would leave as suddenly as it came to them. These are the big spenders as they will order a lone beverage and a food item which they will partake of while spending two or more hours working in their "mini" office.
My very favorite is the female teen duo specie, whose giggles and "Oh my God's" trill about the establishment while typing intermittently on their pastel machines of socialization. Their favorite beverage of course is usually a blended espresso frappe, no whip because, like, "I don't want to get fat, oh my gaw!" They are so in their own little world that they barely notice anyone around them, unless of course it is another, perhaps prettier teen queen than they and then the claws come out! A cute guy however, brings about flirtatious looks and knowing whispers. Harmless but oh they are so amusing to observe.
My least favorite is the soccer mom/executive with the blond bob which looks as if a bottle of Clorox was dumped on their heads and their curt little (or not so little) ensembles, which never
have a wrinkle or a crease and the tappity tap of their purposeful stride as they walk to their table with their "tall, skim, sugar free vanilla latte, no foam, 130 degrees" while trying to look important as they carefully type with their perfectly manicured nails which tap, tap, tap on their snotty little keyboards. Do not DARE look in their direction! I am sure the Barista's who must serve these persnickity snobs as they smile and nod and tell them to "Have a great day!" secretly wish they could serve said beverage on top of their bleach blond do.
To be fair, there are many who are polite and order food and beverage to compensate for the space and time they are taking up in their favorite establishment. Some don't even give dirty looks if patrons sitting at a table near them actually want to socialize as they realize that they are in a public place of business and not their personal office.
Cafes, coffee shops, etc are in business to make money and not to supply anyone with unlimited space to conduct business and to expect this is just plain rude! Be polite and do not take up space for 4 if you are alone and you see the place is busy. Do not expect those around you not to have conversations because you have "work to do!" If you want a quiet place, may I suggest a library or the privacy of your own home. Let us all enjoy our favorite food and beverage while socializing with friends, family or co-workers and do so while respecting the business we patronize and fellow customers and "have a great day"...really.
Friday, May 6, 2011
Mothering Heights
For those of you who are called "Mom, Mother, Mama, etc" on a daily basis, sometimes rather repeatedly, I salute you as the day in which we honor all mothers, is close at hand. It does not matter whether children are born of your womb, or of someone else, in which this child, to you has been given. What truly earns you that coveted title, is the unconditional love and acceptance as well as the devotion to providing a safe and stable (as possible) environment for which this person for whom you are responsible can grow to become a positive addition to the human race.
I would be remiss in not stating there are those who produce biological offspring who should never bear the fruit of humanity. For every wonderful loving mother, there is an abusive and despicable excuse for what the term "motherhood" represents. I prefer to honor the deserving , instead of chastising the never should have beens.
I loved my mother but we had our moments. There are things I have had to forgive and perhaps she had to do the same of me. She was a storybook perfect grandmother who left nothing but kind and loving memories for my children to look back on. I was the one who held her hand as she uttered her very last breath and it is a moment I will always be grateful for. She knew I loved her and I knew she loved me.
I am now the grandmother of four lovely children who give me such great joy. I am so very proud of my daughter who has experienced some good times and difficult times, which can be motherhood and life but no matter what, she always will love and guide her children while they continue to grow up all too quickly. I aspire to be half the Grandmother that my mother was. I am and have always been strongly opinionated, artsy and compassionate toward others. My thoughts may not always resonate with my children's but I respect them and they respect me.
I wish all of you Mothers or those who are thought of lovingly as such, a wonderful day with those you have loved and nurtured in this world and as angels in the next.
I would be remiss in not stating there are those who produce biological offspring who should never bear the fruit of humanity. For every wonderful loving mother, there is an abusive and despicable excuse for what the term "motherhood" represents. I prefer to honor the deserving , instead of chastising the never should have beens.
I loved my mother but we had our moments. There are things I have had to forgive and perhaps she had to do the same of me. She was a storybook perfect grandmother who left nothing but kind and loving memories for my children to look back on. I was the one who held her hand as she uttered her very last breath and it is a moment I will always be grateful for. She knew I loved her and I knew she loved me.
I am now the grandmother of four lovely children who give me such great joy. I am so very proud of my daughter who has experienced some good times and difficult times, which can be motherhood and life but no matter what, she always will love and guide her children while they continue to grow up all too quickly. I aspire to be half the Grandmother that my mother was. I am and have always been strongly opinionated, artsy and compassionate toward others. My thoughts may not always resonate with my children's but I respect them and they respect me.
I wish all of you Mothers or those who are thought of lovingly as such, a wonderful day with those you have loved and nurtured in this world and as angels in the next.
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Never Defeated
We are living in troubled times, of that no one on this planet can deny. Whether you are of priveledge or poverty stricken, at war or a victim of the rath of "Mother Nature", we are all effected by the tidal wave of events of late. I often wonder if all the ravages of humanity are the doing of some celestial being who is attempting to give us a not so subtle message.
The dawning of the dreaded 2012 prophecy looms ahead of us and while there are those who have suffered the latest natural and world disasters, who cannot image any worse scenario, we must admit that yes, things can and may, get much worse. Do I believe that the world apocolypse is about to unfold upon the date of the doomsday theory? I honestly don't know.
I say to myself that I have never lived through such troubled times but have I forgotten the Vietnam war and the aftermath and devastation to those left behind, our returning soldiers who received a less than warm welcome due to the "make love not war" mindset of the "hippie" generation. Most of these soldiers were barely out of high school and if they were lucky enough to survive the war, some had difficulty surviving the reality of coming home to an unwelcoming country in which they felt all but forgotten.
Dare I forget the "Gulf War" and all that followed in it's wake. Who ever would have thought that the horror of 911 could have ever happened in our lifetime. Americans assume that we are far removed from these kind of attacks. Not here, because WE are the United States of America! It has forever scarred our sense of security and faith in our country to protect us from harm.
We now face difficult times in a country divided, the left and the right and there seems to be no middle ground, no compromise. Jobs are difficult to find and just as difficult to keep. We are not kind to each other and we still cannot get past the value of materialism over human dignity, compassion and kindness toward each other. We cheer at the demise of a evil terrorist leader and infiltrator. I do not cheer, I do not lament. I still fear for our safety but most of all, I fear for those who cannot stop hating.
Yet, I am blessed in family and friends who are like minded and maybe, just maybe, there is a flicker of hope that might just burn brightly in that one small thing that nothing can destroy if we do not let it... The human soul.
The dawning of the dreaded 2012 prophecy looms ahead of us and while there are those who have suffered the latest natural and world disasters, who cannot image any worse scenario, we must admit that yes, things can and may, get much worse. Do I believe that the world apocolypse is about to unfold upon the date of the doomsday theory? I honestly don't know.
I say to myself that I have never lived through such troubled times but have I forgotten the Vietnam war and the aftermath and devastation to those left behind, our returning soldiers who received a less than warm welcome due to the "make love not war" mindset of the "hippie" generation. Most of these soldiers were barely out of high school and if they were lucky enough to survive the war, some had difficulty surviving the reality of coming home to an unwelcoming country in which they felt all but forgotten.
Dare I forget the "Gulf War" and all that followed in it's wake. Who ever would have thought that the horror of 911 could have ever happened in our lifetime. Americans assume that we are far removed from these kind of attacks. Not here, because WE are the United States of America! It has forever scarred our sense of security and faith in our country to protect us from harm.
We now face difficult times in a country divided, the left and the right and there seems to be no middle ground, no compromise. Jobs are difficult to find and just as difficult to keep. We are not kind to each other and we still cannot get past the value of materialism over human dignity, compassion and kindness toward each other. We cheer at the demise of a evil terrorist leader and infiltrator. I do not cheer, I do not lament. I still fear for our safety but most of all, I fear for those who cannot stop hating.
Yet, I am blessed in family and friends who are like minded and maybe, just maybe, there is a flicker of hope that might just burn brightly in that one small thing that nothing can destroy if we do not let it... The human soul.
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