Sunday, July 3, 2022

The Revolution of 2022


                                                                     Revolution 2022

America the Beautiful should perhaps be replaced by the Battle Hymn of the Republic. Julia Ward        Howe was the composer of this patriotic song and was also a leader of the women's suffrage movement of 1868 as well as a staunch promoter of international peace. She did not have any support in these endeavors from her husband, Samuel Gridley Brown, who had funded militant abolitionist John Brown. Was he jealous of her talents? Or was her place in the home with no personal opinions? How far we have come and now, 150+ years later, we have now gone backwards after all the hard work and sacrifice of many to move us all forward. Men, women and children of all colors, religious or non religious beliefs should have the same rights as citizens of this great, or used to be, country.

On June 24th, 2022, 5 US Supreme Court Justices have sent us backwards by decades by overturning Roe V Wade. A decision not based on integrity or based or any binding legal findings that have anything to do with the justice system, rather based on their own religious and political bias. Not surprising who appointed two of those justices. I know that there are those who will vehemently disagree with my opinion and my sense of injustice and feeling of utter disgust at this travesty. 

Am I pro abortion? No, I am pro choice and yes, there is a difference. This is not a black and white issue here. There is now speculation that some would like to go after contraceptives, the morning after pill etc. Not everyone feels the need to increase the already increasing population as Amy Coney Barrett seems to with her plentiful brood but I would also fight for her freedom to do so. Would she like it if her freedom to reproduce as many children as she wants was taken away? This decision was the final straw for me. I have never had an abortion nor do I hope anyone feels the need to have one but I do not know the circumstance of those who choose to do so. 

I know who is gloating over this. Someone is preparing for 2024 and will do whatever it takes to place himself along with his forever brooding spouse into our nations capitol again. Don't like Joe Biden? You have that right, he is getting too old to run again and personally I would even campaign for Pete Buttigieg because intelligence, and integrity and decency plus youth would be refreshing. Oh but he is a card carrying member of the LGBTQ community and there are those who could not sleep at night with a gay man at the helm of this nations capital, you know that building bought and paid for by we the people which was attacked by lunatics wielding weapons, smearing their nastiness upon the walls of OUR nations capitol, in which 5 people died and more would have if not for some brave law enforcement who risked themselves to save those in the sights of these sub humans. Those of us with any common sense know who was behind this. 

Do I hate those who support a name I will not mention? No, I leave that to those who would attack me for stating my opinion concerning my disgust. I do not hate republicans and I am moderate not liberal and I have tried to silence myself but the effects of this person's reign has had aftershocks that are not going away. He has given permission to people who need little encouragement to be the worst they can be. White supremacists  are good people according to him, Proud Boys? What are they proud of? Just a bunch of bullies with guns. Likes and even respects Putin. In all honesty, this person is not even a republican. Do you know he financially backed Hillary Clinton in the 2008 election? He is his own party and cares only for himself. I have actually voted for a republican or two in the past but extremism on either side accomplishes nothing. I have never been this worried for this country. Never. It is actually hard for me to celebrate Independence Day this year. I for one, refuse to have my rights and freedoms taken away and I'm done being silent while inwardly fuming. 

I will not turn away from family or friends for differing political or personal views but when hatred and personal attacks come into the conversation, I'm done. I do not bring up politics at personal or social gatherings because I respect that this is not appropriate, I also do not want to raise my own ire as I am formidable when I feel there is injustice. I want this country to care about everyone not just an elite few. I want women to continue to have the rights their ancestors fought so hard for. That all sides of the political spectrum can learn to work together for the betterment of all Americans. I also include children in all of those rights. If I had the power to do so, no adult would place their hands on children in any way other than to show love. If you should not hit your spouse then you damn well should not hit someone smaller than you because you aren't smart enough to find a better way. Prisons are filled with people who were disciplined at home by parents whose ignorance accomplished nothing positive.

Lets do away with the lets go brannons and act like grown ups who can figure out a better way to communicate. When I blessedly left the small town I grew up in to expand my horizons and frankly find a place I fit because I never did there, although there were and still are, very good people still there. I did not venture far enough for a while but then I found my way to places with less tunnel vision, then realized perhaps I can be who I want to be anywhere. If I have offended anyone with this commentary I won't apologize for it because I am not in charge of how you react. I have spent most of my life trying to be a bearer of light and good will but we all have our breaking point and I have reached mine. I include myself when I state this. Be better, do better. The world does not revolve around any one person, it revolves around ALL of us. This year no amount of fireworks, patriotic songs, parades, red white and blue, along with flag waving citizens will make this celebration mean anything unless we all are willing to be better representatives of this grand geography because the world is watching and some of them are turning away. Peace out!

Sunday, June 30, 2019

The Peace Seeker

All humans have a longing for something. It can be as simple as a good night sleep or a vacation to a tropical island (yes please). We can even desire an evening out without kiddos ( good luck if you are a single mom without a support system) or to make enough money with one full time job to live a simple life. All of these things should be attainable in this country but it seems only the elite few can afford these simplicities without incurring debt. There are those who do possess nice homes, cars, frequent vacations, a closet filled with expensive clothes and the list goes on but few do not own such luxuries without credit card debt and owing their soul to the corporate banking industry. How about peace? What will it take, what price must we pay in order to attain it?

While I desperately try not to use ageism as a means of stressing a point, I find that people cannot detach from technology long enough to develop strong communication and language skills and certain generations will have college debt that they will be hard pressed to repay. There are those who seem to have difficulty realizing that a committed relationship takes work and their happily ever after depends on their ability to work through their problems, be adults and actually spend time with their children before they grow up and become self involved too. My generation is busy finding fault with the younger generation, forgetting that in our own youth we were frowned upon for wearing hip hugging bell bottoms, pot smoking, guys with long hair, make love not war mentality. Those much older find fault with everyone younger than them forgetting that they are the ones who will be left taking care of them in their old age.

My hope is in children. They just want to be happy, well fed, loved and safe. That is what all children all over the world long for yet, many adults seem to think that is too much to ask. We place children in cages in deplorable conditions and think thats ok. We have parents who treat each other with disdain, look upon their own children as a burden and not a blessing and begin looking for another "partner" before they bother to end the relationship they are already in. I pass on teenagers. They are a bundle of hormones and parental and school expectations that they fear they cannot live up to.

We as a society are failing in our divisiveness. The last four unrelenting years of politics has lent us to argue, accuse and insult the left, the right and everything in between and this is no exception in the white house to the point of getting nothing done. The death count keeps rising worldwide because those who haven't the capacity to control their anger, bigotry or hatred, enter schools, places of worship and just about anywhere, guns a blazing, trying to take as much human life as their twisted rage and multiple round weapons will allow before finally taking their own life, or police officers, risking their own lives, bring them down. Just an FYI, the second amendment gives you the right to bear arms but not the right to take lives because you're a hateful moron!

We worship symbols over people, use religion as a weapon to wield over those we find fault with but fail to look within. We are a world of color, varying sexual preferences and no amount of bigotry and bullying is going to change that. Do I seem a bit miffed? Bingo! I am so tired of this oppressing feeling of despair. I consider myself to be a compassionate person, a loving and giving person. I just cannot wrap my head around such utter hatred!  It is a sad state of affairs when people my age act like schoolyard bullies on social media because they disagree with someone else's opinion. I have been guilty a time or two of engaging but draw the line at certain behavior.

There are those who rise above all this and try to be a light in the darkness in the world. I applaud you and strive to be like minded. My hope is still with children, if we allow them to retain their innocence and do not indoctrinate them into a negative mindset. My wants and longings are simple. I want a simple space to call my own, to spend time with my sweet grandchildren and family as well as friends who I consider family and most of all I want peace. Inner peace is my safe haven. No matter all the challenges life may hold, I will always remain a peace seeker.

Sunday, July 23, 2017

The Age of Wisdom

When I was 13, I knew that I was not an ordinary teenager and that opinion didn't much change in the coming years. I did not fit in with the "in" crowd and didn't really want to. I created a world of my own imagining to make life bearable in the small town that I lived in that I just couldn't seem to embrace. As I moved through the trials and tribulations of high school my only thought, other than music and writing as a release of angst, was to plan my escape from the town I grew up in and never really felt a part of. How was I to know that my escape would not be very far reaching and that I would remain within 30 miles of where I grew up, would marry way too young and have two lovely daughters, leaving all my youthful dreams of the future I had planned far behind.

Do I have regrets? Yes, I do. I regret not attaining my degree, although I have taken many classes and attained a few certifications throughout the years. I wish that I would have traveled more and experienced cultures different than what I am used to, although I did move to a large city with a multicultural population and experienced as well as embraced, diversity and made friends who I will have throughout my life, whom I consider family. Although I truly loved vocal music performance and acting which I returned to well into adulthood, I regret not having the discipline to continue playing the piano and guitar, which I believe I now would have enjoyed. I have lately taken up drumming, for healing, sound therapy and an emotional release, in which I have met an amazing and diverse group of wonderful souls. I however, do not regret being at my mother's bedside as she uttered her last breath on earth as well as my father. If I had lived farther away, this might not have been possible. I believe that although these were moments of sadness, they were also moments that I will forever cherish and consider a gift. I also do not regret having my daughters and even though we have had our moments, we love and support each other and our connection will always remain. I could not imagine being a world apart from my three grandchildren.

Life has become a system of emotional, physical and spiritual checks and balances. The longer you are among the world of the living, the more you experience both good and bad. I have learned to embrace the happiness and joys of life while learning to tolerate and attempt to rise above the sorrows and disillusionment. We live and learn, grow and develop or we remain stagnant and time will ultimately continue to move on whether we are ready or not to face the reality of what that inevitably means. I no longer wish for the things of my impetuous youth. For everything that happened on my life's path, was meant to happen and what truly matters, is what I have learned and taken from these experiences and how far I have come since that time ever so long ago, when my future seemed so full of hope and promise. I am not rich or famous but I am wealthy in family and friendships. I do not need universal fame in order to be important. I have my talents and capabilities and I am a compassionate soul who cares for others and am also humble in the presence of those who are far greater in those capacities than I.

I am now at an age of rediscovery and experiencing yet another of life's transitions. The path is not always a smooth one but nothing easy is as well appreciated as attaining a hard fought and won goal. I now understand the old adage "With age comes wisdom". I have learned more with each passing year, about myself and others and I hope to continue on this journey of self discovery and explore all the possibilities that the future holds. For to be truly wise, we must seek knowledge as there is much to be learned and time does not stand still and wait for us to embrace it's many lessons.

Friday, September 16, 2016


Sound therapy is an effective way of raising our vibration or state of consciousness to allow our body and soul to heal and recharge our inner batteries. For those of you naysayers, you need to try it before poo pooing it. There are many therapies that compliment modern western medicine and many enlightened physicians and therapists will recommend these alternatives as many of them are active participants. A good number of my clients are medical professionals and have seen firsthand, the positive effects these therapies have on their patients and clients. It is my experience as a healing energy practitioner and teacher, that this is indeed, very helpful to those seeking additional and sometimes "outside of the box" kind of treatments and it is amazing what a difference these enhancements can be in the lives of those who actively pursue natural means of increasing and maintaining better physical, mental and emotional health.

One of the sound therapies I have started to embrace is the art of drumming. I have participated a few times now in a local drum circle which is always an amazing experience. There are key drummers with experience who lead the masses and a very energetic founder whose light force energy encourages the drummers to follow him on his journey to a place of pure joy and the hypnotic sounds of the drumbeats, the beauty of the dancers and hooper's movement and the occasional sound of rattles and tambourines.

My favorite place is located on a peninsula surrounded by a lake during a full moon. It is quite the walk to get there but it is well worth it. A bonfire is lit when darkness falls and there is dancing around the fire as the energy soars and the rhythm of the drumming increases. A euphoria takes hold and you become elevated with the beauty of sound and movement and the wonderful supportive camaraderie of the circle of those, who only want to leave behind their worries and stress and just enjoy a moment of happiness and inner peace which transcends us beyond our earthly obligations and responsibilities. We are diverse, this group of business professionals, artists, engineers, therapists, whoever decides to grace the circle with their presence. There are those who are broken and struggle with addictions, physical limitations, mental and emotional health issues, family obligations and we are all welcomed.

There are no politics at the circle, no judgment or expectations other than we share in the joy and healing which this circle of drummers, dancers, hoopers and even onlookers have come to look forward to the magic under the light of the full moon and the rhythm of the drumbeats.

I dedicate this heartfelt blog to Elmore, Verge and those enlightened ones who lead the circle of drummers and inspire us to find joy in the healing rhythms of drumming.


Sound therapy is an effective way of raising our vibration or state of consciousness to allow our body and soul to heal and recharge our inner batteries. For those of you naysayers, you need to try it before poo pooing it. There are many therapies that compliment modern western medicine and many enlightened physicians and therapists will recommend these alternatives as many of them are active participants. A good number of my clients are medical professionals and have seen firsthand, the positive effects these therapies have on their patients and clients. It is my experience as a healing energy practitioner and teacher, that this is indeed, very helpful to those seeking additional and sometimes "outside of the box" kind of treatments and it is amazing what a difference and enhancement this can be in the lives of those who actively pursue natural means of increasing and maintaining better physical, mental and emotional health.

One of the sound therapies I have started to embrace is the art of drumming. I have participated a few times now in a local drum circle which is always an amazing experience. There are key drummers with experience who lead the masses and a very energetic founder whose light force energy encourages the drummers to follow him on his journey to a place of pure joy and the hypnotic sounds of the drumbeats, the beauty of the dancers and hoopers movement and the occasional sound of rattles and tambourines.

My favorite place is located on a peninsula surrounded by a lake during a full moon. It is quite the walk to get there but it is well worth it. A bonfire is lit when darkness falls and there is dancing around the fire and the energy soars as the rhythm of the drumming increases in which a euphoria takes hold and you become elevated with the beauty of sound and movement and the wonderful supportive camaraderie of the circle of beings who only want to leave behind their worries and stress and just enjoy a moment of happiness and inner peace which transcends us beyond our earthly obligations and responsibilities. We are diverse, this group of business professionals, artists, engineers, therapists, whoever decides to grace the circle with their presence. There are those who are broken and struggle with addictions, physical limitations, mental and emotional health issues, family obligations and we are all welcomed.

There are no politics at the circle, no judgment or expectations other than we share in the joy and healing which this circle of drummers, dancers, hoopers and even onlookers have come to look forward to under the light of the full moon to experience the rhythm of the drumbeats.

I dedicate this heartfelt blog to Elmore, Verge and those enlightened ones who lead the circle of drummers and inspire us to find joy in the healing rhythms of drumming.

Friday, September 9, 2016

Divisive Nation

The world is a puzzling place at the moment.Never have I witnessed such dissention among Americans in all my many years upon the planet. Name calling, threats, accusations, snarling, backbiting...I think I've made my point here. We have become a nation divided by political views, race, religion and whatever else ignites one's anger and indignation. Social media, news, reality television, all of which only acerbates the escalating anger of the masses and forces one to take sides, protest, shake our fists and raise our voices.

Does any of this actually accomplish anything? Do symbols matter more than humanity? Does taking a knee during the national anthem truly offend us? If so, we do not have our priorities straight in my humble opinion. We as a nation are backsliding into a mentality that judges all who do not agree with us disfavorably and we bravely call any and everyone out who is not on the same page and then the mudslinging begins. There are those who have a great deal of courage behind a keyboard or cell phone and throw caution to the wind when spewing forth verbal attacks based on differing views and then will even stoop so low as to launch attacks based on one's physical appearance and age. I don't know about anyone else but frankly, I have had enough. It is hard to be a light and a visionary when adults who should know better and should set an example of exemplary behavior for our country's youth, including their own children and grandchildren, become the bullies we try to keep out of the schoolyard.

Never have I witnessed such disrespectful behavior from our nation's highest office. I have no problem with others who do not share my views respectfully, as we do live in what is supposed to be a free nation. I, however, have zero tolerance for hatred or violence aimed toward anyone no matter their politics, race, sexuality, religion or social status. We now have resorted to misquoting the constitution to further our own agenda and bemoan it is our right, while denying the rights of others. We have politicians calling out a lynch mob for certain political figures while turning a blind eye to the misdeeds of others. We have news channels that spew more venom than a rattlesnake and call themselves professional journalists. We fear what we do not understand and therefore, point fingers and lay blame rather than educate ourselves before engaging in verbal or physical warfare.

What is the answer to all of the above? Guns are not the answer, rather becoming the problem. I am not suggesting ones sacred second amendment rights be taken away, rather the ease of attaining a weapon be more stringent to avoid as much as possible, guns in the hands of those who should never possess them in the first place. A responsible gun owner should have no problem with this. Perhaps we learn how to calmly and effectively communicate with those we disagree with and see the value of their opinion as long as they can carry on respectful dialogue. Let us remember that the Civil War has long since ended and waving the confederate flag does not symbolize honor and respect, rather sends a blatant message of racial injustice that needs to end once and for all.

Isn't everyone tired of all the needless battles while we try to keep this country and its inhabitants safe from harm? I am even finding some members of the military to be filled with hatred and rage toward anyone who does not see things their way. I respect and have supported veterans and the organizations that support them. I do not now nor will I ever respect violent and threatening statements and actions that not only demean those with whom you are communicating but it says even less about you. Let's try supporting and uplifting each other instead of tearing each other down. In the face of world terrorism, lets not give strength to those who seek to destroy us by destroying each other. Let us unify instead of dividing. I love my country but wish we could be the kind of nation we are capable of instead of the embarrassment we are becoming. We don't need to "Make America Great Again" We need to look within and make ourselves better or we will be responsible for our own demise.

I try to be a beacon of positive light but it is a battle and I am determined to keep darkness out and let my light shine. Our country is not just geography, landscapes, symbols and landmarks but the most important commodity we have is humanity. Let us strive to pay homage to the beauty of what the freedom so many have fought and died for truly represents so that "We the People" can enjoy freedom and justice for all who live in these UNITED States.

The Healing of a Nation

The world is a puzzling place at the moment. We have all been thrust into the abyss of a presidential election year that has been the most cutthroat of any I have ever witnessed in all my many years upon the planet. Name calling, threats, accusations, snarling, backbiting...I think I've made my point here. We have become a nation divided by political views, race, religion and whatever else ignites one's anger and indignation. Social media, news, reality television, all of which only acerbates the escalating anger of the masses and forces one to take sides, protest, shake our fists and raise our voices.

Does any of this actually accomplish anything? I have the opinion that we as a nation are backsliding into a mentality that judges all who do not agree with us dis favorably and we bravely call any and everyone out who is not on the same page and then the mudslinging begins. There are those who have a great deal of courage behind a keyboard or cell phone and throw caution to the wind when spewing forth verbal attacks based on differing views and then will even stoop so low as to launch attacks based on one's physical appearance and age. I don't know about anyone else but frankly, I have had enough. It is hard to be a light and a visionary when adults who should know better and set an example of exemplary behavior for our country's youth, including their own children and grandchildren, become the bullies we try to keep out of the schoolyard.

Never have I witnessed such disrespect toward our nation's highest official and his spouse. There have been a few leaders I have not agreed with but under no circumstances would I wish them or their families harm. I have no problem with others who do not share my views as we do live in what is supposed to be a free nation. I, however, have zero tolerance for hatred or violence aimed toward anyone no matter their politics, race, sexuality, religion or social status. We now have resorted to misquoting the constitution to further our own agenda and be cry it is our right, while denying the rights of others. We have politicians calling out a lynch mob for certain political figures while turning a blind eye to the misdeeds of others. We have news channels that spew more venom than a rattlesnake and call themselves professional journalists. We fear what we do not understand and therefore point fingers and lay blame rather than educate ourselves before engaging in verbal or physical warfare.

What is the answer to all of the above? Guns are not the answer, rather becoming the problem. I am not suggesting ones sacred second amendment rights be taken away, rather the ease of attaining a weapon be more stringent to avoid as much as possible, guns in the hands of those who should never possess them in the first place. A responsible gun owner should have no problem with this. How about we learn how to calmly and effectively communicate with those we disagree with and see the value of their opinion as long as they can carry on a respectful dialogue. Let us remember that the Civil War has long since ended and waving the confederate flag does not symbolize honor and respect, rather sends a blatant message of racial injustice that needs to end once and for all.

Isn't everyone tired of all the needless battles while we try to keep this country and its inhabitants safe from harm? I am even finding some members of the military to be filled with hatred and rage toward anyone who does not see things their way. I respect and have supported veterans and the organizations that support them. I do not now nor will I ever respect violent and threatening statements and actions that not only demeans those with whom you are communicating but it says even less about you. Let's try supporting and uplifting each other instead of tearing each other down. In the face of world terrorism we give strength to those who seek to destroy us by destroying each other. Let us unify instead of dividing. I love my country but wish we could be the kind of nation we are capable of instead of the embarrassment we are becoming. We don't need to "Make America Great Again" We need to look within and make ourselves better or we will be responsible for our own demise.

I try to be a beacon of positive light but it is a battle and I am determined to keep darkness out and let my light shine. Our country is not just geography and landscape and symbols and landmarks but the most important commodity we have is humanity. Let us strive to pay homage to the beauty of what the freedom so many have fought and died for so that "We the People" can enjoy freedom and justice for all who live in these UNITED States.