Friday, September 9, 2016

The Healing of a Nation

The world is a puzzling place at the moment. We have all been thrust into the abyss of a presidential election year that has been the most cutthroat of any I have ever witnessed in all my many years upon the planet. Name calling, threats, accusations, snarling, backbiting...I think I've made my point here. We have become a nation divided by political views, race, religion and whatever else ignites one's anger and indignation. Social media, news, reality television, all of which only acerbates the escalating anger of the masses and forces one to take sides, protest, shake our fists and raise our voices.

Does any of this actually accomplish anything? I have the opinion that we as a nation are backsliding into a mentality that judges all who do not agree with us dis favorably and we bravely call any and everyone out who is not on the same page and then the mudslinging begins. There are those who have a great deal of courage behind a keyboard or cell phone and throw caution to the wind when spewing forth verbal attacks based on differing views and then will even stoop so low as to launch attacks based on one's physical appearance and age. I don't know about anyone else but frankly, I have had enough. It is hard to be a light and a visionary when adults who should know better and set an example of exemplary behavior for our country's youth, including their own children and grandchildren, become the bullies we try to keep out of the schoolyard.

Never have I witnessed such disrespect toward our nation's highest official and his spouse. There have been a few leaders I have not agreed with but under no circumstances would I wish them or their families harm. I have no problem with others who do not share my views as we do live in what is supposed to be a free nation. I, however, have zero tolerance for hatred or violence aimed toward anyone no matter their politics, race, sexuality, religion or social status. We now have resorted to misquoting the constitution to further our own agenda and be cry it is our right, while denying the rights of others. We have politicians calling out a lynch mob for certain political figures while turning a blind eye to the misdeeds of others. We have news channels that spew more venom than a rattlesnake and call themselves professional journalists. We fear what we do not understand and therefore point fingers and lay blame rather than educate ourselves before engaging in verbal or physical warfare.

What is the answer to all of the above? Guns are not the answer, rather becoming the problem. I am not suggesting ones sacred second amendment rights be taken away, rather the ease of attaining a weapon be more stringent to avoid as much as possible, guns in the hands of those who should never possess them in the first place. A responsible gun owner should have no problem with this. How about we learn how to calmly and effectively communicate with those we disagree with and see the value of their opinion as long as they can carry on a respectful dialogue. Let us remember that the Civil War has long since ended and waving the confederate flag does not symbolize honor and respect, rather sends a blatant message of racial injustice that needs to end once and for all.

Isn't everyone tired of all the needless battles while we try to keep this country and its inhabitants safe from harm? I am even finding some members of the military to be filled with hatred and rage toward anyone who does not see things their way. I respect and have supported veterans and the organizations that support them. I do not now nor will I ever respect violent and threatening statements and actions that not only demeans those with whom you are communicating but it says even less about you. Let's try supporting and uplifting each other instead of tearing each other down. In the face of world terrorism we give strength to those who seek to destroy us by destroying each other. Let us unify instead of dividing. I love my country but wish we could be the kind of nation we are capable of instead of the embarrassment we are becoming. We don't need to "Make America Great Again" We need to look within and make ourselves better or we will be responsible for our own demise.

I try to be a beacon of positive light but it is a battle and I am determined to keep darkness out and let my light shine. Our country is not just geography and landscape and symbols and landmarks but the most important commodity we have is humanity. Let us strive to pay homage to the beauty of what the freedom so many have fought and died for so that "We the People" can enjoy freedom and justice for all who live in these UNITED States.

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