Revolution 2022
America the Beautiful should perhaps be replaced by the Battle Hymn of the Republic. Julia Ward Howe was the composer of this patriotic song and was also a leader of the women's suffrage movement of 1868 as well as a staunch promoter of international peace. She did not have any support in these endeavors from her husband, Samuel Gridley Brown, who had funded militant abolitionist John Brown. Was he jealous of her talents? Or was her place in the home with no personal opinions? How far we have come and now, 150+ years later, we have now gone backwards after all the hard work and sacrifice of many to move us all forward. Men, women and children of all colors, religious or non religious beliefs should have the same rights as citizens of this great, or used to be, country.
On June 24th, 2022, 5 US Supreme Court Justices have sent us backwards by decades by overturning Roe V Wade. A decision not based on integrity or based or any binding legal findings that have anything to do with the justice system, rather based on their own religious and political bias. Not surprising who appointed two of those justices. I know that there are those who will vehemently disagree with my opinion and my sense of injustice and feeling of utter disgust at this travesty.
Am I pro abortion? No, I am pro choice and yes, there is a difference. This is not a black and white issue here. There is now speculation that some would like to go after contraceptives, the morning after pill etc. Not everyone feels the need to increase the already increasing population as Amy Coney Barrett seems to with her plentiful brood but I would also fight for her freedom to do so. Would she like it if her freedom to reproduce as many children as she wants was taken away? This decision was the final straw for me. I have never had an abortion nor do I hope anyone feels the need to have one but I do not know the circumstance of those who choose to do so.
I know who is gloating over this. Someone is preparing for 2024 and will do whatever it takes to place himself along with his forever brooding spouse into our nations capitol again. Don't like Joe Biden? You have that right, he is getting too old to run again and personally I would even campaign for Pete Buttigieg because intelligence, and integrity and decency plus youth would be refreshing. Oh but he is a card carrying member of the LGBTQ community and there are those who could not sleep at night with a gay man at the helm of this nations capital, you know that building bought and paid for by we the people which was attacked by lunatics wielding weapons, smearing their nastiness upon the walls of OUR nations capitol, in which 5 people died and more would have if not for some brave law enforcement who risked themselves to save those in the sights of these sub humans. Those of us with any common sense know who was behind this.
Do I hate those who support a name I will not mention? No, I leave that to those who would attack me for stating my opinion concerning my disgust. I do not hate republicans and I am moderate not liberal and I have tried to silence myself but the effects of this person's reign has had aftershocks that are not going away. He has given permission to people who need little encouragement to be the worst they can be. White supremacists are good people according to him, Proud Boys? What are they proud of? Just a bunch of bullies with guns. Likes and even respects Putin. In all honesty, this person is not even a republican. Do you know he financially backed Hillary Clinton in the 2008 election? He is his own party and cares only for himself. I have actually voted for a republican or two in the past but extremism on either side accomplishes nothing. I have never been this worried for this country. Never. It is actually hard for me to celebrate Independence Day this year. I for one, refuse to have my rights and freedoms taken away and I'm done being silent while inwardly fuming.
I will not turn away from family or friends for differing political or personal views but when hatred and personal attacks come into the conversation, I'm done. I do not bring up politics at personal or social gatherings because I respect that this is not appropriate, I also do not want to raise my own ire as I am formidable when I feel there is injustice. I want this country to care about everyone not just an elite few. I want women to continue to have the rights their ancestors fought so hard for. That all sides of the political spectrum can learn to work together for the betterment of all Americans. I also include children in all of those rights. If I had the power to do so, no adult would place their hands on children in any way other than to show love. If you should not hit your spouse then you damn well should not hit someone smaller than you because you aren't smart enough to find a better way. Prisons are filled with people who were disciplined at home by parents whose ignorance accomplished nothing positive.
Lets do away with the lets go brannons and act like grown ups who can figure out a better way to communicate. When I blessedly left the small town I grew up in to expand my horizons and frankly find a place I fit because I never did there, although there were and still are, very good people still there. I did not venture far enough for a while but then I found my way to places with less tunnel vision, then realized perhaps I can be who I want to be anywhere. If I have offended anyone with this commentary I won't apologize for it because I am not in charge of how you react. I have spent most of my life trying to be a bearer of light and good will but we all have our breaking point and I have reached mine. I include myself when I state this. Be better, do better. The world does not revolve around any one person, it revolves around ALL of us. This year no amount of fireworks, patriotic songs, parades, red white and blue, along with flag waving citizens will make this celebration mean anything unless we all are willing to be better representatives of this grand geography because the world is watching and some of them are turning away. Peace out!
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