There are many ways in which the human body can heal itself. We may seek the knowledge of traditional medical professionals but we must also learn to listen to what our bodies tell us and take responsibility for our own health and well being.
When we seek treatment from our physicians or specialist, we must also take into consideration that other forms of treatment can and do enhance our ability to overcome certain illness and disorders, both physically and mentally.
I firmly believe that everyone should visit a nutritionist at one point in their lives, as what we consume plays a heavy role in a positive, healthy lifestyle. Some of the foods we eat can even be a factor in some disorders and diseases. I would highly recommend that every heart, cancer, and patients with digestive disorders spend quality time with a nutritionist and heed their advice. A good physician understands that they are not the sole answer to most medical issues.
A healthy diet, weight control and exercise (I need to improve those last two) are the ying and yang of daily maintenance to ensure good health. Find a fitness program that works for you and modify fitness programs for those with health issues. If you are not able to do this on your own, get yourself a membership to a fitness center.
If finances are an issue , many of these establishments offer affordable rates and the membership is cheaper than medical bills due to poor health and excess weight.
Holistic health practitioners offer vast knowledge on the subjects of natural healing through the use of vitamins, oils, herbs and offers clients a means of healing without the chemicals found in many pharmaceuticals. For those who seek to work with their physician and a holistic health practitioner, make sure to keep both health care providers informed of any medications prescribed to avoid harmful interaction.
Therapeutic massage is not only very relaxing (well, deep tissue can be pretty intense but purposeful) but works to keep our body in balance through capable hands working the muscles and tissues of our body and reduce stress which can put us at risk of serious illness. I recommend a visit to a great massage therapist once a month at least. It is good for your body and soul.
Note to massage therapists who are guilty of this: I have heard more than a few clients discuss their dismay at looking forward to a wonderful massage, only to have their therapist talk and talk about their problems and hardships. Not only is this unprofessional but it is extremely disrespectful to your client, who comes to you and pays for your services. You are THEIR therapist, they are not YOURS!
We will now go on to what many consider the "gray" matter of healing practices.
Reiki is the practice of energy healing through placement of hands to work with the bodies energy centers to assist clients balance the "chakra" system. This form of healing can bring about awareness, inner peace and tranquility and assists in bringing about good "Chi". There are skeptics but as a Reiki Practitioner myself, I find this practice to be highly effective and frankly, life changing. The term Reiki means "universal life force energy". This practice originated in Japan and has expanded over the years to reach out to other countries. When east meets west, good things can happen. I could go on to explain more about this wonderful art of healing but that would be another article in itself. There is much information concerning Reiki and it's healing attributes. I highly recommend that everyone try Reiki at least once in their lives but remember, you must be willing to accept the healing offered without reservation in order for it to be the most effective. Imagine going to your dentist for treatment and refusing to open your mouth. We all must be active participants when it comes to our own health and well being.
We can aid in our good health by keeping a less toxic home. Natural materials, fibers and clean air filtration are a wonderful enhancement to aid in our health. We can even create a more positive environment with the paint colors we choose as well as a less toxic choice which can be found at most establishment which sell paint products.
For instance, while purple is a vibrant color, I could not image bright purple walls in my bedroom being a sleep aid. Perhaps an accent wall in a less bright color would be lovely but I envision, sage green, taupe, lavendar or colors which create a peaceful atmosphere. Fabrics that are soft and plush create a feeling of comfort and ease when trying to relax and de stress. The environment we live and work in, aid in keeping us on an even keel.
Relationships can be just as toxic as our environment or a disease which invades our body. Anyone in the health care and mental health profession will tell you to detoxify your body (and soul) of anything which causes you harm. Unhealthy relationships are no different. This is not to say your should never speak to your family members again if they are the culprit but you must take charge of how an unhealthy association effects you. You need to set boundaries and limitations and be firm about it. You may also need to look at your own contribution in this matter. Life is too short not to surround yourself with those who are positive and supportive instead of parasitic and negative. Love yourself enough to set necessary boundaries and if counseling is needed than seek it immediately.
We are all mortal and will fall victim to the end of life at some time but until then, let us all take our health seriously and do what we need to in order to live the best quality of life that we can while we take up residence upon this earth.
I know that Reiki has does tremendous wonders for me, and also getting back into working out... now onto nutrition