Sunday, July 17, 2011

Pathway to the Garden of Enlightenment

Community gardens are a wonderful way to engage in an activity which benefits urban neighborhoods, by careful tending and quenching the thirst of flora and vegetation with much needed H2O. The garden even has plots to produce edibles for the local food pantry. Such is the Meadowood Community Garden and so much more.

The Meadowood Community Garden was established in 2008 with assistance from the Community Action Coalition, providing start up funding as well as direction needed to launch a community garden.

Plot fees from neighborhood gardeners provide funding for items needed to maintain a successful and productive garden. Former garden leader and artist, Sheri Rembert, developed a plan for a children's garden, which included a pathway to make the garden inviting for neighborhood youth. This year the plan was put into action by present garden leader, Leslie Stephany, who then enlisted local mosaic artist, Marcia Yapp, to facilitate the implementation of the pathway.

With Marcia's mentoring, neighborhood youth created individual mosaic stepping stones, which each child (and a few adults) created to reflect their personality and present a colorful, meandering pathway to beckon young gardeners to enter. Two concrete columns have now been added at the entrance to the children's garden and each column will be covered with mosaic tiles.

Wooden fencing was partially donated, the rest purchased with grant funds and has recently been placed around the garden perimeter, which will be treated and painted to further improve the garden's visual appearance, as well as protect the fruits of gardener's labors. This space is not only pleasing to the eye but a symbol of community working together, to create a sacred space which children and adults alike can take pride in. The children's garden has an established strawberry bed, a variety of vegetables and flowers and will soon include blueberries. Children assist in planting and harvesting and are educated as to the value of growing their own food. Seedlings for the children's garden are generously donated annually by the Oakhill Correctional Institution.

There will be an upcoming storytelling in the garden featuring Patsy McKenzie and Kevin Wery who are fellow gardeners and Co-Founders of the "Fairness Awareness Foundation". Scheduled date is pending.

Congratulations fellow gardeners on a job well done, for great leadership and much appreciated volunteers, adults and youth alike. There is no better way to build
community and honor mother earth than to create a place of beauty and provide delicious fruits and vegetables as well as lovely flowers in this urban "garden of enlightenment".

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Why Happy Hours aren't always so happy

For those of us who like to partake from time to time of the occasional (or not so occasional) alcoholic beverage, the term "Happy Hour" can send us in a tizzy at the end of a long, hard day.
If you really stop to think about it, some of us use this escapism at a discount price, as a means to forget about our problems. I thought I would bring up a few examples of some situations we may want to medicate (or lubricate) ourselves into oblivion to forget.
  • My wife doesn't understand me but the pretty blond at the end of the bar might.

  • My husband doesn't appreciate me but the hot guy sitting next to me looks promising.

  • My boss is a bitch or bastard (or both) and who do I have to" bleep" to get a raise!

  • I love my best friend even though she is a size 4 and I'm a size...none of your business!

  • Credit card bills, mortgage, cell phone bills, car payment, utilities..."Hey bartender!"

  • My husband is having an affair/ my wife is having an affair, So I"M going to have an affair!

  • "What would Jesus drink?" "Bartender, may I have a red wine...for my next trick I will turn wine into water....where's the restroom?"
Silliness aside, we do live in a society in which we often look for ways in which to forget about what is bothering us but as you may observe from the above witticism's, we can't quite make our problems go away with a drink or by popping a pill or whatever legal or illegal form of medication we use. I have come up with a few solutions which are a bit healthier in mind and in spirit.
  • Bubble baths are deliciously relaxing.

  • Massages are God's work!

  • Reiki heals the body and soul.

  • Meditation relaxes the mind and changes perspective.

  • Drink lots of water to detoxify your body.

  • Spend time with people who love you.

  • Hate others less, love yourself more.
We all have problems and we must face them eventually but choose a better way to deal with them from time to time and keep your "Happy Hours" at a minimum. I am one who enjoys them once in a while because I simply like a good bargain in this disastrous economy. I however, do feel the need to be of sound mind in order to deal with my occasional demons. When I say "cheers" I am referring to the hope that we all can be happy without the "Happy Hour".

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

In search of "Three Cardinal's"

Sometimes life gives us messages for a variety of reasons. For instance, we may get messages from dreams, some recurring. We may think a random thought which brings us to ponder the reason behind it. One does not need to "hear voices" in order to receive a legitimate source of information which some might call "intuition". We all have that ability. If you get a feeling that something is wrong or that feeling in the pit of your stomach which precedes a life changing event, or maybe a clear and precise decision we may make at the last minute as we "just know" that this is the right thing to do. All of the previous are intuitive thought processes.

I find the human mind and all of it's intricacies to be very fascinating. I learned a great deal when working with individuals with brain injury and behavioral disorders, autism, alzheimers and dementia. However, there is so much more to learn. Our psyche is what I like to refer to as a kaleidoscope of physical and mental reactions, emotions and contains a power that many of us have yet to understand. Some consider those with some of the above "disorders" to have a disability, yet I have found that much like one who is physically blind develops a keen sense of hearing and touch, those with "impairment" seem to develop strengths in other areas that they have yet to be in tune with.

I no longer question my intuitions and look forward to, in anticipation, delving into the meaning of my random thoughts, especially ones that are repetitive. The phrase "Three cardinals" has been a repetitive thought process lately, in which I have been seeing these birds
regularly, especially when I question my direction in life. Then there are the cardinal qualities of the zodiac in which my sign is in possession, the meaning of which is one who accomplishes, sets forth and does not derail from a determined task. I walked into a friends house and the room was filled with cardinals (not real ones) as they happen to be a St. Louis Cardinals fan. The list goes on and my confusion is greater than my clarity, yet there is a mystery to unfold.

For those who find me dotty, you may think as you like. I however, am determined to find the answer to my questioning mind and I hope the answer is worthy of my efforts but something tells me it is.