All humans have a longing for something. It can be as simple as a good night sleep or a vacation to a tropical island (yes please). We can even desire an evening out without kiddos ( good luck if you are a single mom without a support system) or to make enough money with one full time job to live a simple life. All of these things should be attainable in this country but it seems only the elite few can afford these simplicities without incurring debt. There are those who do possess nice homes, cars, frequent vacations, a closet filled with expensive clothes and the list goes on but few do not own such luxuries without credit card debt and owing their soul to the corporate banking industry. How about peace? What will it take, what price must we pay in order to attain it?
While I desperately try not to use ageism as a means of stressing a point, I find that people cannot detach from technology long enough to develop strong communication and language skills and certain generations will have college debt that they will be hard pressed to repay. There are those who seem to have difficulty realizing that a committed relationship takes work and their happily ever after depends on their ability to work through their problems, be adults and actually spend time with their children before they grow up and become self involved too. My generation is busy finding fault with the younger generation, forgetting that in our own youth we were frowned upon for wearing hip hugging bell bottoms, pot smoking, guys with long hair, make love not war mentality. Those much older find fault with everyone younger than them forgetting that they are the ones who will be left taking care of them in their old age.
My hope is in children. They just want to be happy, well fed, loved and safe. That is what all children all over the world long for yet, many adults seem to think that is too much to ask. We place children in cages in deplorable conditions and think thats ok. We have parents who treat each other with disdain, look upon their own children as a burden and not a blessing and begin looking for another "partner" before they bother to end the relationship they are already in. I pass on teenagers. They are a bundle of hormones and parental and school expectations that they fear they cannot live up to.
We as a society are failing in our divisiveness. The last four unrelenting years of politics has lent us to argue, accuse and insult the left, the right and everything in between and this is no exception in the white house to the point of getting nothing done. The death count keeps rising worldwide because those who haven't the capacity to control their anger, bigotry or hatred, enter schools, places of worship and just about anywhere, guns a blazing, trying to take as much human life as their twisted rage and multiple round weapons will allow before finally taking their own life, or police officers, risking their own lives, bring them down. Just an FYI, the second amendment gives you the right to bear arms but not the right to take lives because you're a hateful moron!
We worship symbols over people, use religion as a weapon to wield over those we find fault with but fail to look within. We are a world of color, varying sexual preferences and no amount of bigotry and bullying is going to change that. Do I seem a bit miffed? Bingo! I am so tired of this oppressing feeling of despair. I consider myself to be a compassionate person, a loving and giving person. I just cannot wrap my head around such utter hatred! It is a sad state of affairs when people my age act like schoolyard bullies on social media because they disagree with someone else's opinion. I have been guilty a time or two of engaging but draw the line at certain behavior.
There are those who rise above all this and try to be a light in the darkness in the world. I applaud you and strive to be like minded. My hope is still with children, if we allow them to retain their innocence and do not indoctrinate them into a negative mindset. My wants and longings are simple. I want a simple space to call my own, to spend time with my sweet grandchildren and family as well as friends who I consider family and most of all I want peace. Inner peace is my safe haven. No matter all the challenges life may hold, I will always remain a peace seeker.